Chapter 20

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Peyton's POV

Sawyer drove me home after our date. He gave me a quick kiss goodnight and helped me up the latter to my room.

"I had fun tonight," I say with a smile playing on my lips.

"Me too," he was wearing the same smile. "Sleep tight, sweetheart,"

"Goodnight," I waved him a small goodbye and closed my window back. I watched him saunter down the street to his car, he seemed to be giving himself a little pat on the back.

I laughed at his goofiness and took everything off and replaced it all with a oversized hoodie and leggings. The weather has been getting worse as we got farther into December. I was surprised I wasn't freezing my ass of the whole night. Being with Sawyer makes everything irrelevant, all I can think about is the way he carries himself. The way he smiles when he talks about something he likes, when he scratches the back of his neck when he's nervous about something, and the way he looks me in the eye when he's serious. His cheeks go red when he's embarrassed, which is rare for his cocky self. I have fallen for him. Even when I think about things that I cant stand about him. He bites his nails, leaves the toilet seat up, snores in his sleep, extremely cheesy; yet I still love him. It's still feels weird saying it, even to myself. I love Sawyer Peters. I never thought it would happen, especially this fast. He said it first and I couldn't help but feel the same. I thought at this point I would probably be with Liam, hanging out with Ava. But my life did a 180 on me. I'm dating Sawyer and best friends with Rein. My life is better and I'm happier this way. I've felt so contempt with my life before. Now Vikki is here and it only made everything so much better. She's the sweetest little girl I have ever met.

Realization hit me that Winter Formal was this weekend. Sawyer has already asked me to be his date and I couldn't be happier about that. Rein was going with Elijah, Haley and Fawn decided to go solo, and Ricky was going with some girl named Erin. Once he found out Sawyer and I made it official, he backed off. I don't think it was from me telling him cause he still seemed pretty determined. The very next day he was completely different. He wasn't his normal flirty self, which I'm happy with since Sawyer won't have to get angry with him all the time.

I yawned as I lowered myself into bed and got comfy. I laid there missing not having there beside me. He has slept with me the last couple nights and now I'm longing for his presence. I cuddled into my blanket and fell asleep thinking about him like I always do since he made his way into my life.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was in science with Rein that Friday, while we all waited on showing off our projects. Rein and I tried our best to make an accurate representation of a human skeleton. I think we did a pretty good job since we were both hopping around our schedules to get it done. I felt bad for having plans with Sawyer that day before. She said she understood, but I knew she was still a little hurt.

"Has Ava tried anything lately?" She whispered into my ear trying to stay quiet. She was really upset about the whole fiasco Ava pulled at lunch last week. But I shook it off and acted as if it didn't hurt me. It hurt like hell. I couldn't let anyone, especially Ava, to know that. If she knew how much it bothers me she would continue and so would her little followers she ended up getting the last few weeks. I wish I would've known how much of a sneaky bitch she was. If I had known, I would have dropped her as a friend a long time ago. I think this side of her came out when she started going to parties freshman year, I know she wasn't like this in middle school. "Peyton? Hello?" She was snapping her fingers in front of m face. "You done day dreaming?" She joked.

I looked at her with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, just thinking, that all,"

"Thinking about you're going to get back at Ava I hope,"

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