plane trip

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"well I haven't been on a plane since the day we left." I confessed and he squeezed my hand, I squeezed back and gave my ticket to the flight attendant. We walked in through a little tunnel and reached the plane. First class.


"Brendon wrote me a letter." I told sleepily and Mike looked at me. We had been discussing our jobs and how he was going to get transferred to an other place. Somehow it ended up to this.

"What did he write?" He told and furrowed his brows.

"I haven't read it." I tell and he sighs.

"Do you have the letter."

"Yeah." I take it out of my pocket and unfold it carefully.

"Want me to read it first and then give it to you?"

He nodded not sure of what to do but he was doing his best to not get jealous like he normally did.

I read it pretty quickly. It was a thank you letter and an apology letter. I smiled a little and folded it.

"Am I not going to read it?" He says and I hand him it slowly, leading to him snatching it out of my hand.

"It's nothing really, I'm going to take a nap." I say and put my head on his shoulder. His body went still .

I felt bad when I did this for some reason. Like once your heads on someone's shoulder they will try to do anything so they don't move and disturb you. Or just move your head in general to get you out of the way.

I closed my eyes and dozed off slowly. I still heard the folding of the paper and some movement.

"You're not my dad!" I screamed at Dallon and he looked at me.

"I just want you to be okay!" He screamed back and I shut the door to the hotel room. I went back to the bed and cried. I missed my dad.

I heard the guys voices until I heard someone enter the room. I opened an eye and saw the converses. It was Brendon.

"You do realize you almost fucking tried to kill yourself!" He snapped and I nodded. I sat up and wiped some tears away. This wasn't me. I knew myself. I knew what I wanted to do, when to do it, but now I'm lost. Like when your almost done with a puzzle and you seem to be missing a lot of puzzle pieces. You either struggle finding the small ass pieces or go on without those pieces and picture the picture. I don't know if that makes sense.

Brendon looked at me with his full attention. I went over to him and hugged him. I started to cry into his chest and held onto him, worried if I let go he would leave me.

I shut them all out besides Brendon. Im just not ready to let him go.

"I'm not okay." I finally speak. I'm pretty sure that's all they needed to hear that. Every since the accident, it's just been silence. No eating. No tolerance to people. I just can't do anything anymore, not even have the motivation to get up from bed sometimes.  Overdosing on pills I had, I even managed to take some from Pete. But I would end up throwing them up. So I decided it would be better to jump off from the roof. But what if I didn't die? Would i just feel more of that pain? What would happen if they found me lying there? What should things be if my dad where still here?

"Wake up babe." Mike whispered into my ear and I moved away slapping his arm and hugging his arm.

"No." I whine and he chuckled.

"The plane is almost landing."

"But I'm comfortable." I mumble and he tickles my side. I let out a giggle and he continues to tickle me. I laugh and he shushed me.

I opened my eyes and let the light of the plane hit my eyes. I looked out the window and saw that it was dark out. Right different time zones, I forgot.

"I wanna make a stop to a place first if that's okay?" I look at Mike and he shrugs. I wanted to go to my dad's grave. After the dream I think it would be best to visit.

"What's the place?"

"The grave yard." I whisper and he kisses my head.

"Okay." He held my hand and I intertwined our fingers together. I let out a yawn and put my head in the window. I looked out and saw the stars. I remember always looking out the window at night wishing to see a shooting star. That's all I focused in when I was little. To see a shooting star. I never sleep at night cause I would focus so bad to see that one shooting star. I would wish for a shooting star so that I could wish to see an other, weird right?

That's when I smile and hum a song,
"Maybe I’m too old to be so hopeful
Maybe I’m too young to be so bitter
But I swallowed adolescence by the chokeful
And came away looking like a quitter
I’m singing,
I keep making mistakes
But it takes some time to get anything right
You know that I keep making mistakes
But it takes some time to get anything right
Cause it’s gonna get better, it’s gonna work out
Give it a minute, it’s gonna turn around
Cause it’s gonna get better, better
It’s gonna get better, better
We’re gonna keep living
We’re gonna get by
We never have to lay down and die
Cause it’s gonna get better, better
It’s gonna get better, better."

Mike hums along with me and I look at him. His eyes sparkle in the light and I give a kiss. He kissed back and I smiled. I missed our quite days and our kisses. Maybe all we needed was some time away from there. Maybe we needed to get away from stress, or other things. Maybe I was overreacting.


A/n: ello guys. Sorry for any grammar. You can correct me but I won't listen. Anyways I'm a little in the dumps today. Kinda stressed out about my grades and my life. But other than that you guys may expect longer chapters for this story.

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