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"and I keep singing," Mike sang and I yawned. "And I keep singing to keep myself alive."

"Is the song Keep Myself Alive?" I say and he nodded. I closed my eyes to keep the burning sensation away. To much light. We're almost there either ways so just wake up now.

"So are we stopping at your mom's house or are we heading with my sisters?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Whichever you want to go first." I say and sit up straight and change the song. He motioned for me not to change the song and I heard the beginning to Heavydirtsoul, when all of a sudden he started to rap the beginning. I clapped- impressed he did it. We laughed and we sang to the songs on our shuffle playlist.

"What if I we're a singer?" I say and Mike looked at me with a goofy look.

He got out the freeway and we headed to my moms house first. I noticed the rout automatically but i could be wrong.

The rest of the car ride was silent besides the music playing on the radio. I rubbed my eyes and listened to the song playing. Air Catcher, I loved the song.


"I wonder how my mom will take the news." I say nervous and look at my stomach. Six months now and you could absolutely tell that I was pregnant now.

"You haven't told her!" Mike shouted and I nodded with a small smile.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." I say and he parks right up front. He turned the car off and I looked at him.

"What else didnt you tell her?"

"That we still haven't had a wedding." I say and he chuckled.

"I would happily have a wedding but our financial status won't hold us for long if we have a wedding." He told and I knew that already. Mike and I only got money we worked for- I didn't use my brothers money or my mom's.

"So are we staying here for the trip or with my sisters."

"My mom says she would like us to stay here, but if we stay with your sisters they would have to plan out how we are staying." I say and he nodded.

I didn't care were we stayed honestly, as long as I had a bed and not this uncomfortable car seat I'm good. God I'm hungry.

"I want a hamburger." I say when he helped me out of the car. I closed the door and held his hand. He locked the car and we walked to the front porch. I knocked and we waited. I admired the pretty flowers growing and a few crows crowing.

The door opened and my mom looked at me with happiness. She hugged me but stopped when she couldn't fully hug me.

"Dear lord child your pregnant!" She shouted and I laughed. Mike laughed as well and we walked in.

I listened to what my mom had to say and what Mike had to say about it. We all laughed at the end but my mom keeps asking questions.

"How long have you been pregnant?"

"Six months with two weeks almost seven." I answer her and Mike kept holding my hand.

She was so happy to see me. I felt bad for not being her at home. But yet again I only went away- was to forget about Brendon, my dad, to get away from the touring. The fame. Cause I just wanted to be known as Brooke Weekes not Dallon Weekes sister.

It got better at least. Just like Patrick told me It's going to get better. Better better better BETTER.


"So tomorrow we are visiting Hannah, Sarah, and Bella." I told as I brushed my teeth and Mike spit out the mouth wash he had in his mouth and put his tooth brush on the counter. I spit and drank was water and spit.

"Yeah." He told and stared to floss. His night routine was so weird to me. He wouldn't put water on his tooth brush before putting the toothpaste, and not put water on the toothpaste once he had it in the tooth brush. He used mouth wash after and then floss. Then he showered and then went to the bathroom. Brushed his feet again and finally went to bed.

I went out the bathroom and head to the bed. My mom was kind enough to keep my old room and it was decent enough for Mike and I to sleep. The bed tho was a twin bed so that was our struggle. He wanted to sleep on the floor so I have room to sleep but I wanted him to sleep next to me. I sat on my old bed and felt really tired. I felt a kick in the bottom part of my stomach and smiled. I placed my hand on where my baby kicked and I felt it again.

I started to hum a lullaby and felt my eyes close. Before I went went to sleep I positioned myself in a comfortable position and kept humming until I finally felt my eyes go weak and I feel to sleep.

Dallon Weekes Is My Brother//Pt.1//Where stories live. Discover now