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"chug chug chug!" We chanted as Brendon chugged on the beer he had. We all laughed in excitement as he finished and see the bottle down. I stopped the time on my phone and hollered.

"10 seconds new RECORD!"

"thank god you doing tour with us this year!" Dallon slurred and I nodded. They have a Europe tour going on right now so I'll be hanging with the guys to distract me from my sadness.

I was currently diagnosed with depression and had to take medication but I don't cause I hate taking medication.

"Whoa!" They all cheered and I smiled. First day of your always started with a party in the bus but it's most obvious they would with the name panic at the disco.


"Okay guys we have our first show in a few hours so Brooke you're going to be our photographer this tour. Dallon will be on the right and Kenny to the left." I looked past Brendon's shoulder and saw there plan.

"Way to go on the drawing plan again." I chuckle.

I went to sit on the couch in the dressing room. I heard there talking and I looked through my camera to see the pics I've clicked.


"You're not getting away with this one!" I run faster and pass Dallon. Leaving Brendon to beat, I jumped over a pot hole and landed on my feet safely. I forced myself lungs to keep going and actually beat Bren. But it wasn't a big deal to even win! Some people may say but prize was 1) 20 bucks and 2) the satisfaction of beating Brendon in running.

But how did we end up racing in an empty alley way plus an empty street? Long story short- daddy long legs wanted to prove he was faster then all of us. But Brendon said He'd be third.

Which lead me to saying who's second. Brendon told me I was going to be second like always. PSH! Jokes on him, I just passed by him and touched the cold wet wall and started to run back to home base where Kenny and Dan had my awaiting money.

My chest was burning like hell and I had been coughing ever since I passed Brendon. I wasn't going to give up just cause of my chest. My legs started to take longer strides. I could see Kenny and Dan now. But I wasn't so sure when my vision started to blur. Small white dot appearing as I kept forcing myself to run. I crashed into my two friends and nearly made us fall if it weren't for my partner Jake.

"Whoa easy does it now. Here drink water." Kenny pated my back. I was a panting mess and I didn't just drink the water but pour it on myself.

"Brooke!" Dallon rushed to me and I coughed even more. I should of not forced myself to run. Fuck-

Next thing I know everything went bitch black.


"Guys she's waking up!"

"Brooke! Brooke?" I pushed Dallon away with my hand on his face and held my head as I got up.

"Someone explain to me why there was an icepack on my face?"

They laughed and I shook my head and tossed it to Brendon.

"SUCK MY ASS FOREHEAD! I WON WHOA!" I shout and hold onto my head as I hiss. Nope to loud.

"Yep she's back with us guys." Dallon spoke and punched his arm playfully.

I looked around the room and saw Brendon siting on a chair and Dallon standing next to me. Kenny was next to Brendon with snacks in hand. Dan was playing Fallout 4.

"Where are my twenty bucks?' I say and Brendon gets up and walks over to where I am.

"20 bucks for number two, my queen." He started to giggle and I took the twenty with a smirk.

"Ha ha really funny."



"Yeah don't worry bout me babe I'm a okay." I whispered.

We were back on the road. Everyone was asleep besides me- luckily Mike was awake and wiling to speak to me through Skype.

"Okay, so tell me why there are many post it notes around the house for me?

"Just had a small idea to leave small love letters, how many have you found?"

"I found one today when I opened the laptop, that sums up to be five."

I hummed in response. He needs to find ten more.

"Mind reading them to me?"

I looked at him with amusement and he chuckled.

"I love when your eyes do that."

Wait do what? I looked at him for an answer but he just started to read the little notes I've left him. As he said everyone I grew more happier hearing him say the answers.

Then he got to the last one. He grinned at this one. I knew exactly why.

"I'll see you soon but soon in bed." His stupid grin wouldn't leave his face. I laughed and he blew a kiss. He shifted around and sat the computer on our desk. He was standing in front of the camera and backed away leaving me to see his whole body now.

He was just wearing some saggy sweatpants. Leaving me to look from his chest down to his torso.

"Enjoying the view?"

I blushed and he moved from out of sight and I saw a small light turn on. The bathroom light.

I waited for him to come back and waited. I soon saw the light turn off and his footsteps getting closer.

I adjusted the earbuds I had on and sat up in my bunk. I turned off the fan and adjusted myself in a comfortable position.

"So how's the tour?"

"It's going great actually!" I say in a excited voice but lower it when I hear a snore from below me.


"Michael?" I mocked back and he rolled his eyes.

"Nevermind babe, get a good three hour sleep, I'll call back to let Carter speak with you."

I waved goodbye and he ended the call first. I logged off the page and went  back to looking at the pictures I had taken of last night. They all looked great but I didn't quite find interest in what I've clicked. Nothing caught my as to I could aw and be star struck.

I shut my Mac and slide it to the other side of the bunk and turned off the small light from the bunk and snuggle myself with the blanket. I scratched my shoulder and felt my wrists itch in irritation. I'm not going to open them. Im not. I'm in control I'm in control.

I'm in con-

I feel asleep with that being the last thing I tried to say.

Dallon Weekes Is My Brother//Pt.1//Where stories live. Discover now