Im not ready

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"I'm not having this baby with out my husband." I grasped onto Dallon's hand and he tried calling Mike again. He went with his sister to a talent show. It was Christmas day and it was my eighth month of pregnancy. I wasn't ready and doctors told me it would be risky but I had to have the baby before I pass out from the pains.

"Where are you!"

"Pass me to him!" I shout at my brother and grab the phone. I let out a yell and take in deep breaths.

"Michael James Castillo! I swear to god you better get at the hospital before I give birth to our child!"


"I DONT KNOW! ILL TELL Dallon to send you directions, just get here!"

I passed the phone to Dallon and he almost dropped. He walked out the room with my phone- texting direction. I yelled out and breathed.


"We did it!" I heard Mike shout and celebrate. I heard the crying of a baby. Our baby. I sighed in relief and my body felt weak.

"Correction I did it, you just insirtied the missing ingredient to create an offspring." I told and he just kissed my lips and he got to hold our baby first.

"I'm glad to say that it is a girl." He cheered and I got to hold her next. She had my eyes along with my nose. But everything else screamed Michael.

I was not ready for this but I think I'm ready for what's coming ahead. At least I hope. I mean how hard is it to take care of a baby right?


"Rise and shine!"

I opened my eyes and found my mom holding my daughter. It was early morning. I was so exhausted I just wanted to fall asleep again. Mike walked into the room with Brendon and Kenny. I wish Ryan had come but I found out he wasn't going to get here in time to see us.

I heard the little fuss my daughter started to make and I motioned for my mom to give me her. I carried her in my arms carefully and looked at her even more. The way her small lips turned when she smiled or stared to wail.

Brendon wouldn't stop asking questions and Dallon had to calm him down before Mike got annoyed. He had low tolerance for annoyance.

"What's her name!" He finally asked and i thought. I turned my face to look at Mike and he had been looking at me for an answer.

"Don't tell me you too didn't think of a name yet!" Breezy laughed and I nodded.

"Ruby sounds like a wonderful name." My mom told and I shook my head. It didn't seem to me my kid sounded like a Ruby. I liked the name Max. Or Carter. No scratch that how about Jade?

"I like the name Rose." Mike told as he tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I don't know- I like the name Max." I say and they think about it. It's silent before Dallon opens the door when he received a message and left the room. He came back with some friends. More visitors.

"Tyler you gotta look at this child!" Jenna told excited and Tyler shushed her. I chuckled slightly and let her carry my daughter.

"What'd you guys name her?" Josh asked as he looked at her.

"We are thinking of a name right now actually."

"She looks like a Victoria."

"How about Carter?" I ask and my boss in agreement. Mike shook his head. Dallon shrugged as in thought.

"How about Carter Rose Castillo Weekes?" I say and he smiles.

"That's it!" He kissed my lips unexpected and I blushed. I kissed back and I let go to catch my breath and he cheered and he went to our child and held her in his arms once again.

"This is only the beginning Brooke. Our family with Carter Rose." He kissed her little forehead and sat on the bed with me. Our family.

I like the sound of that. I smiled and felt my eyes go heavy once again. I fell asleep once again.


A/N: hey guys, thanks for everything. I know I might if said this a lot of but thanks. Right now it means a lot. I'm not really feeling okay...I'm not sick- I'm just kinda feeling down today. It's getting close to Christmas and around this time of year all they way to Valentine's day I always have my hopes low. Usually cause I see everyone having a happy holidays and I miss the felling of spending it with family. After that is my b-day which I'm honestly not looking forward to like always. Then of course Valentine's day the day I get let down and dont show the person I like most my feelings even if I show them I'm grateful. I just wish they knew how I felt about them....of course this may not matter but it may affect my writing to go a little emotional sometimes or sometimes I won't write cause I'll just start to cry.

I just wanted to let some feelings out today. Hope you guys have a great night or day depending on the time zone. I wish you the best of holidays and stay alive.


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