Sacraficing The Virgins

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"Mike I'm bored and I want to get out this car." I whine and Mike honks the car horn making me jump. He got cut off again.

"We get to stop in an hour only if the traffic goes down." He says and I get bored again. I sigh out loud and go through all the stations on the radio. 107.7 was a good station until it got out of range and I almost yelled. I didn't bring any CDs to effing listen in this car so now what.

"I spy with my little-"


"Now Brooke you know that's not true." He told and I grinned.

"Don't forget about dick dick dick! I don't see this every stopping. Shaking hands with it, no it's all that I got. Don't forget about dick dick dick. Even when your okay. Choking on it, fisting on it, someone saw." I started laughing and he looked at me.

"Oh god." He laughed and I laughed more.

"Did you just- oh mer GERD!" He laughed and I started to laugh to the point where my sides hurt. 

"Don't forget to fist! No oh. Don't forget to fist!"

"Noo!" He says with a smile but tries to hide it.

I kiss his lips and he licks my cheek. I smile and sit uncomfortably on the seat.

I notice a small box in the corner of the radio and I see the aux cord connection. I pull on my beats and disconnect the cable and connect it to the box. I put play on the song I was listening to earlier.

"You know if we make it time we can be there for Christmas Eve." He told and I nodded. I loved to spend Christmas with my family. Just us together sometimes with Brendon's family or other families.


"Brooke are you going to get something?" Mike told and I didn't move.

"No! I'ts to cold and I'm okay in the car."

"But an hour ago you wanted to get out of the car?" He asked and I nodded. He sighed and I handed him my credit card so he could pump gas.

I yawned and cuddled with the blanket. He got in the car and put my credit card back in my wallet and he started to drive once he opened a can of red bull.

A few minutes passed by and we're now on the open road with no stops till two hours and I knew I fucked up at this moment.



"I need to pee."

He groaned and I felt the red go to my cheeks.

"Can you hold it?"

"Not long." I say and he taps his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Just wait two hours okay think of the Teletubbies or um doodle in your sketch book."

"Mike." My leg was bouncing up and down. I Tap my finger on my knee and he looks at the speed limit.


I think of what could go wrong. I could pee in my pants or we could crash or we can get pulled over. He is way past the speed limit.

I tap my foot and he tells me stop it. I quite it for a few minutes until I start doing it again.

"Brooke you should of gone when I stopped at the gas station!" He yelled.

"I didn't need to go back then!" I yelled trying to over take his voice. He got mad and didn't say an other word. I slumped back in my seat and listened to the silence between the time. I felt bad now. I wanted to say sorry but I knew he didn't want to hear it.


"Are you good?" He told and I nodded.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded again.  He put the gear into reverse and he looked at me again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

He got out of the small parking space and put the gear to D. I forgot what I stood for honestly. I haven't drove a car in so long. I believe it stood for drive? Right? I mean it makes sense to be drive. I played with the blanket I had and grew bored again.


"Are we there yet?" I asked.

The one question to avoid at all times when in a road trip. Cause if you don't the only response you will most likey get is groans and no response or even a yell. But sometimes you get a time they do tell yoy and then you're like wait they gave you sarcasm. Or you just get the shut ups. Or a punch from a brother or sister. But sometimes there is an answer.

"Uh taking count of the speed we are going, maybe about two hours we can get home." He says and I nod. I saw a car pass by and I grow bored again.

"There's no signal for me to get connection so now what." I say and he looks around the car. Keeping his hands on the wheel and making sure he's on the one lane road.

"Here." He handed me a book and I looked at it.

"Mike it's effing three in the morning how am I supposed to read?"


"Just tell me scary stories then." He says and I think.

"My mom claims she has seen a ghost in her room behind the closest."

He stayed silent but he was listing so I continued. At that time I was like six and I would sleep in my mom's bedroom cause I was a scary cat when Dallon slept over at someone else's house. Anyways she had awoke cause she thought she heard my dads car park in our parking spot so she peered outside the window through the blinds to only see a man standing on the sidewalk. She heard a noise in the closet and looked and saw a shadow. She called out for my dads name and the shadow didn't move. Now take in count there was no coats or anything hanging on the door to make the shadow appear but she swears she saw it move into the closet. She turned on the light and saw my dad sleeping with his arm around my teddy bear instead of me."

"Spooky." He says and I nod.

"I still think the shadow is in the house to this day." I say and he makes spooky sound affects. We had passed the one lane road and struck two lanes! How amazing!


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