Chapter 1

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Lily's POV
I wake up, not in a bed, but a box. Why has James pranked me by putting me in this ruddy box, I feel around and find my wand. And point it towards the top of the box and yell "REDUCTO". The lid flies of and I see daylight, but I'm several feet underground, then the memories come flooding back to me. Voldemort, he killed me, Harry and James, I clamber out of the coffin and read the grave stone then from next to me James blows his way out and jumped up and engulfs me in a tight hug.
"James, he's dead, HARRY'S DEAD."
"Shhh lily, it's Ok. let's go to our house and look around, I'm sure we haven't been dead for too long."
"I guess, but Harry, he's dead James, I'm such a bad mother."
"Lily, your not a bad mother, you couldn't have won a duel with Voldemort, only Dumbledore can do that sort of thing and I'd be amazed if I saw anyone others than Dumbledore do it lily."
"Yeah I guess, we should go to our house."

"James, he's not here, I left him in his crib and he's gone, dead."
"Lily, think, was there a grave by us with the name Harry Potter on it?"
"Um no there wasn't James."
"Which means he might not be dead."
"But James the prophecy said...."
"That Harry would grow up to kill him that is why he came so Harry must be alive."
"God James your a genius."
"I know thank you." He said with his signature smirk.
"James, where do we go, we can't stay here."
"There is only one place to go lily, Hogwarts."

A/N Edited. hope you enjoyed, please vote and share.

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