Chapter 25

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Harry's POV
After about half an hour my family emerged from privet drive, my mums face was read as her hair and dad was almost shaking with rage, it was rather hard not to laugh at them looking so angry.
"Mum, are you ok? Your a bit red."
"I'm fine Harry, just angry. And I'm sorry you had to go through that without us."
"Mum it's fine you couldn't stop it, but as Sirius says the ones that love us never really leave us."
"That has to be the smartest thing he's ever said?" Dad said while laughing to himself
"So Harry, when we get back to hogwarts, can you tell us everything about you."
"Yeah, I can show you my memories after if that's ok."
"That's fine Harry. Are you sure, you seem a bit anxious."
"I don't really know, I have secrets no one knows that feel like there going to explode and life just feels quiet. And I hate sitting still, there on an extended break at the ministry so there is nothing to do."
"I guess so, what are you thinking about doing in your spare time."
"I don't know, I've had a few offers but it's deciding what I do, I was offered to play for some quiddich teams."
"You play quiddich?" Asks dad very excited
"Yeah, I've played seeker since first year, youngest in a century."
"But I might just do nothing and try to be a good godfather for now."
"A WHAT???" Ask lily loudly
"Godfather, oh guess I didn't tell you. But yeah I'm a godfather."
"Who's your godchild then?" Asks mum less loud than before
"Teddy lupin. Remus' son."
"Congratulations Remus, who's the lucky lady?" Dad asks almost jumping up and down with excitement
"Well, don't get mad Sirius but nyphadora Tonks, Sirius' cousins."
"Honestly Remus, why would I be angry with you, your part of the family now." Says Sirius who is equally as excited as James.
"Harry getting back to the convocation, why haven't you told people about the secrets if there important." Says mum clearly eager to learn more.
"Because I don't know if there normal even for a wizard."
"Can you tell me at least one of them."
"Yeah, I've not know long but we'll look."
I make my palm of my hand flat and then appears a floating ball of fire, when dad, Remus and Sirius see, there conversation stops immediately and the all come and look.
"Is it normal?"
"Yes but most people can't do it, it's a rare gift."
"Well that's a relief."
"Ok and what wand do you have?"
"I have two wands."
"Harry don't be silly you can't have two wands."
"I do, and neither of them are very normal at all."
"Can I see?"

"not right now, not in the open, when we get back to Hogwarts I'll show you in Dumbledore's office."

"Ok that's fine. I just wanted to know more."
"Your exactly like Hermione mum almost to the point."
"Ok, does she like studying?"
"Did she get O's in most of her O.W.L.s?"
"Yes all but one."
"This one will get you Harry, is she muggleborn?" Mum said with a grin
"Yes she is. I told you mum, exactly like you, although she doesn't like wizards chess."
"I love wizards chess, though I can never find anyone to have a decent game with."
"Oh I know someone."
"Ron, he's brilliant at it, you'll see in my memories, we played on a giant chess board."
"Well I look forward to playing against him."

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