Chapter 24

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Lily's POV
"Ok I'm going to show this even though no one else has seen it, and Cho you don't have to watch it's not good." Says Harry
"No i will watch it."
"Ok so you just have to put your face into the pensive."
When the memory starts we see Harry and cedric running down a path in the maze when cedric gets grabbed by a plant which Harry gets him out of, then they both grab the cup and get teleported to a graveyard, then once both the boys are up we see pettigrew come out of a house carrying what looks like a baby and it says "kill the spare." Then we hear those unforgivable words "avada kadvra" and cedric falls down dead and Harry let's out a deafening scream as he is forced against a gravestone and trapped, then we see pettigrew drop the baby into a couldren then add his hand the bone of voldemorts father and lastly Harry's blood, once Harry's blood is added Voldemort returns and then starts to put his feat on Cedrics face as Harry yells at him, he then frees Harry and then duels him. As the spells connect we see people coming out of Harry's wand, prior incantartem, first James and me come out aswell as cedric and Theo other people. And as then the first one to talk is cedric who asked for his body to be taken back to his father, then I speak and tell him to get to the cup while we distract him, Harry then drops the spell runs over to cedric and accio'd the cup and escapes before Voldemort can escape, then we see Harry at the start of the maze being forced off the Bobby of cedric and being taken away.

Harry's POV
"Now do you see why I had the nightmares?"
"Sort of." Says a pale petunia
"Sort of, imagine seeing a friend of yours die or have vernon die how would you feel."
"Why do you mention vermin you didn't love that boy."
"No of course I didn't, he was cho's boyfriend."
"So Cho is Magic as well."
"Yes I am."
"Sorry to interrupt but I would like to talk to my sister in an adult way can all the younger people go." Says mum
"But mum, dad and Sirius are more immature than us."
"Yes but it's your father and godfather they need to talk to them as well."
"Fine have fun, and don't kill anyone."
In the next ten minuets we hear shouting and quiet a lot of screaming and I just fly around a bit on my broom and have a bit of fun and talk to Dudley and Cho.

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