Chapter 29

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James' POV
Once everyone was in the memory Harry started the memory and what we say wasn't good, Vermin, sorry vernon had been beating Harry, the where whip markings on his hands and up his arms, the were bruises all over his body and dark bags under his eyes, it was the middle of the night and Harry was doing his charms homework because he couldn't do it any other time otherwise he would risk getting hit.
The memory faded into a new one where we could see the three Dursleys dressed smartly and Harry wearing some of dudleys old clothes. From there he was instructed to stay in his room and not let out a sound, unfortunately when Harry got to his room he saw the last thing he needed. A house elf. We found out that this house elf was named dobby. Dobby to say it simply, caused chaos. He hit his head on the wardrobe then levitated a cake and dropped it on Mrs masons head then he disaparated. The Dursleys clearly not believed get Harry that it was a house elf said the would lock him in his room for the rest of the summer, and he prober my would have been if Fred, George and Ron hadn't turned up in there fathers flying car.
As the memory changed I could see ginny turning bright red and both Harry and Ron laughing silently in the corner, and what came next was priceless. Ginny came running down the stairs asked her mum where her jacket was then she saw Harry and stared for about 5 seconds then turned quickly and ran up the stairs as quickly as she could then Ron said
"Ginny, she's been talking about you all summer. But annoying really."
After that the whole group burst out laughing and ginny gave Harry a thump in the back for showing it.
After that not much happened really, that until both Harry and Ron flew to hogwarts in the flying car and nearly getting expelled. From then on nothing was normal, but what was, Voldemort was after him, wanted to kill him. But back to the point, there were markings in blood on the walls, people being petrified. Both Lily and Remus were clearly thinking hard and after 5 minuets Hermione interrupted them saying
"It's a basilisk, looking them I. The eye would normally kill people, but I saw it through the mirror, Collin through his camera, Norris saw its reflection in the water, someone saw it through Saint Nick and Nick was only petrified because you can't die twice."
"Yes that makes sense now, that's why only Harry can understand it because he is a pasiltounge." Replied lily
"You really are the brightest which of your age" says Remus.
"Thanks" replied Hermione while blushing.

The year went on slowly and there new defence against the dark arts teacher was becoming increasingly useless. Then one night a message written in blood was found on the wall, the teachers elected lockheart to go, Harry and Ron new better, the caught him trying to leave and then they dragged him to the girls bathroom where they questioned mertal, the found the entrance, Harry opened it by speaking pasiltounge and the pushed lockheart down the tunnel. And Harry and Ron only followed when they heard lockheart get down to the bottom safely. Not long after that, lockheart tried to erase their memories but failed, Ron's broken wand had saved them. But is had caused the ceiling to collapse which separated the two of them.
Harry proceeded carefully towards the chamber which he opened once again using pasiltounge. At the end of the long chamber was a girl who I realised was ginny. Harry ran towards her and dropped his wand, which was a mistake, Voldemort was there, but in His teenage form, he picked up Harry's wand and summoned the basilisk, Harry started to run but he slipped and fell to the ground and just at that moment Fawkes came swooping in and blinded the beast, the clearly annoyed Tom and gave Harry a chance to get a leed over the basilisk. Once Harry had managed to lose the basilisk he ran back to ginny to try and wake her but it was no good, the basilisk was back on Harry's track and Fawkes came back holding the sorting hat which he dropped to Harry, Tom laughed at what dumbledore had sent Harry but then something shiny appeared in the hat, it looked like the hilt of a sword, Harry had also seen this and took hold of the Handel pulling it out of the hat to reveal the sword of godric gryrifindor.
"The sword of godric gryrifindor" breathed lily next to me.
"Only a true gryrifindor can wield it." Said Sirius while jumping up and down with excitement.
Harry climbed up the statue as the blind snake was trying to bite Harry but Harry was quicker than it, it came in for a bite and took his chance, he struck the roof of the snakes mouth and it went through and came out the top of its head but the basilisk managed to poison Harry with its venom.
Harry got down the statue and knelt next to ginny and grabbed the book ginny was holding and picked up the basilisk rank, and he pierced the pages of the book destroying the memory of Voldemort and as soon as he had gone ginny woke up with a gasp and she turned to see Harry with as massive hole in his arm where the rank had sunk in and at this point Fawkes flew in and used its tears to heal Harry wound.
The memory changed to Harry and Ron in dumbledore's office, Ron was sent out to send the release papers to azkaban while Harry talked with dumbledore. Then when Harry took a closer look he realised it was the sword of godric gryrifindor and asked if the sorting hat was right dumbledore said.
"It takes a true gryrifindor to pull that out of the hat."

The memories finished and everyone one by one hugged Harry and soon after everyone was sat around the fire telling stories of there hogwarts days.


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