Chapter 5

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Lily's POV
Voldemort walks forward and speaks, word I would never expected.
At this me and James just are standing shocked but a red headed girl who looks to be around 16 runs forward but is pulled back by her father who I recognise to be Arthur weasley.
"Harry potter died trying to escape, I killed him with the curse he survived at the age of one, the killing curse. So it's time to hand your self over, if you don't you die." Voldemort says as all his death eaters cheer "and who may you be?"
"Nevill, Nevill Longbottom."
"Ahh well Nevill Im Sure we can find a place for you in our rankings."
"I'd like to say something."
"Well Nevill I'm sure we would love to hear what you have to say."
"It doesn't matter that Harry's dead, he's still with us in hear, as well as Remus, Tonks, Fred and Colin. They didn't die in vain, but you will, it's not over."
I knew Neville parents well, I shared a dorm with his mother, he's so brave standing up to Voldemort, but what shocks me most is what happens next, the unbelievable happens, the impossible, I've already heard that Harry survived the killing curse but this just tops it of.

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