Chapter 31

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Today was a nice warm day and the group decided it would be a good time for a few games of quidditch. The group walked down to the newly repaired quidditch pitch and release the bludgers, snitch and finally the quaffle.
After a long morning of quidditch they made there way to the great hall for lunch where they decided that they would watch Harry's memories of his forth year at hogwarts. They watched his memories late into the afternoon and by the time they had finished it was nearly dinner time and after dinner they were planning to leave hogwarts and return to there usual houses. Harry and his parents would be staying at potter manor with Sirius while Remus and Dora would be going to Amdromeda's house. And the weasleys and Hermione would be returning to the burrow which had been fixed after the death eater attack that had taken place there.
As they all boarded the hogwarts express everyone was silent as they filed into compartment that hadn't been taken as they weren't the only ones going home. Once Harry had settled down in a compartment with his parents, Sirius, Remus, Dora, Hermione and Ron his father pulled out a wizards chess board and Remus and Ron where playing for a rather long time while Harry and Dora were playing exploding snap, his father and Sirius were laughing at Ron's concentrating face and Lily and Hermione both had there noses it books. Most of the journey went by like this and it was now past midnight as they stepped out onto a dimly lit platform nine and three quarters which was very busy considering how late it was.
There were family everywhere being reunited as they pushed through the crowed to get to the wall where they entered the muggle world.
The group of people said there fair wells just outside kings cross, the weasleys crammed into the ministry cars while Remus and Dora had crossed the road and turned down a street as the were walking to Dora's mothers house where they would see there son teddy again.
This just left Harry, Sirius and his parents and they made there way to a dark alleyway and apparated to potter manor.
Once the landed Harry couldn't see a house anywhere let alone a manor then his mother held up a piece of paper for him to read and then Harry remembered it was probably under the fidilus charm like Sirius' house was. And as soon as he looked up from the piece of paper a huge manor had appeared. Well it looked more like a castle than a manor.

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