chapter 26

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lily's POV

I just can't wait to learn more about Harry, he's so selfless and always puts others before him, from what others have said he is an incredible young man as well as a very good Quidditch player, he clearly gets that from his father but he has my temper and kindness.

When we get back to Hogwarts after our visit to the Dursley's we make our way to the headmasters office, presumably to use Dumbledore's pensive and so harry can tell us about himself. Once everyone was in the room, including the Weaslys, and the Lupins everyone conjured chairs around Harry who sat in the middle.

"So, Harry, tell us all about yourself." I say after a few seconds of silence

"Well i think it would be better if you asked questions."He replies

"Ok what wand do you have?"

"Ok so firstly i have a holly and phoenix feather 11 inches and it is Voldemort's twin wand, so its the brother of the wand that gave me this scar and killed mum and dad."

"You said firstly, do you have two wands?" Ginny buts in

"Yes, my second wand is less normal than the last, the elder wand."

"Don't be silly Harry, that is a myth." says James.

"I thought so to dad, don't you think it curious how your invisibility cloak is still as you got it, most of them ware out after a few months."

"And your point is?" James questions

"Your cloak was the deaths invisibility cloak, Hermione, in the snitch Dumbledore left for me in his will the resurrection stone was in there, i know that because when i held it, my parents were there as well as Sirius and Remus, and the elder wand Dumbledore had it, the reason i defeated Voldemort was because the elder wand refused to kill its true master. Don't you see, me and dad are related to the Peveril family, the three brothers surname was Peveril it just makes sense."

"Prove it." Ginny dares

"Well, i need a broken wand, as we know the elder wand is the only wand that will be able to fix it."

"I have one, my wand is broken." Says Percy handing a wand to Harry that is only held together by a thread of unicorn hair. harry places the wand on Dumbledore's desk and mutters "repairo" and you can hear the wood joining back together and he hands Percy his wand back while everyone has a look of shock on there face.

A/N Thank you so much for reading, this isn't the end i just wanted to say thank you. if you enjoy please vote, share, follow and comment your feedback and recommendations.

Thank you.

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