Chapter 8

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James' POV
"So it's down to this is t it, does the wand know it's last master was disarmed, if so I'm the true mast of the elder wand."
Then there was silence, no one moved, all eyes on Harry and Voldemort, this was it, it all came down to this. My son verses my murderer.
"AVADA KEDVRA" screamed Voldemort
"EXPELIARMOUS" yelled Harry
The two spells clouded, the bomb shattering the windows that were left in tact, the bomb went into the ground and vibrated the cold stone floor beneath our feet, then it was over, Voldemort fell back Harry holding his wand, the elder wand. Before I knew it I pushed through the crowds and ran towards Harry, I stopped a few feat from Harry who hadn't seen me because we was crying silently with his head bowed. Lily came up behind me and placed her hand on my should calming me, what had he been through in the years we had missed, God only knows but from what I can see he's been through far to much

"Harry," Harry still doesn't look at us,
"What do you want, you know I wish I had my parents, and I don't want praise for this, go of with your family and spend time with them."
"Well, if we follow your orders we won't be going anywhere." He still doesn't look up.
"I have no family left, my parents dead, Sirius dead, dumbledore dead, Remus dead everyone I care for is dead."
"Harry, we're back, back from the dead."
"No one can rose from the dead, your lying."
"Harry look at us, we're not lying use truth potion, were James and lily potter your parents."
At this Harry slowly turns his head to look at us, his eyes filled with tears and sadness
"Turn into prongs." He says with the elder wand pointed at me.
I quickly change into my animaugus then after a few seconds change back to normal
"Dad, your back. What animal did you give professor slughorn."
"I gave him a goldfish."
"Mum, your back."
"Yes we're back and we'll be there for a long time Harry."

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