Chapter 2

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James' POV
We apparate to Hogsmead the town below Hogwarts, from what I could see the castle as a wreck. There were people on the bridge, they were dressed in all black, death eaters, and in the courtyard were Hogwarts students and teachers.
"Lily, we need to get up there quickly, I think there is something bad going on, I can see death eaters."
"I agree, James we should try the secret passageway under Honeydukes."
"That is a brilliant idea, though it might be blocked."
"Right lets go."

"Lily it's blocked,me should try getting in through the poisons classroom window."
"That would work, let's go see."

Lily's POV
"James, can you break the window?"
After hitting the window a few times James breaks it and helps me threw the hole in the glass. Once were both threw safely we run out the classroom door and run up the hundreds of stairs from the dungeons and poison classroom. The castle was a complete wreck, windows shattered, staircases non existent and walls blown in. A war had gone on here, but why, who did it, last time it was Voldemort who did it so that could be an option. But if it was Voldemort no one could stop him, only Dumbledore could. No one in there right mind would challenge Voldemort, the best you can do is run and hide though that doesn't always even work. If Harry is miraculous alive I would be ever so happy, but when Voldemort wanted to kill someone there was no stopping him, you couldn't do it, never. So Harry, he's most likely dead though as James pointed out there was no headstone for him so he could have been kidnapped or maybe just maybe he survived.

A/N edited

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