Chapter 28

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A/N well I'm back, I've had a break and I've come back more inspired than ever, I've rematches all the films for about the 8th time 😂. Well her goes I hope you enjoy and if you do please vote follow and comment your feedback or ideas for future chapters.

You can see the amazement on the faces of all the young witches and wizards as the enter the great hall as they are led down the hall by professor mcgonagall to the sorting hat which is sat on a old wooden stool. One by one the students have the hat placed on there head, Harry is sorted into gryrifindor along with Ron and Hermione.
For some seeing someone's memories of school would be rather dull, but not Harry's right from the get go things are starting to occur, all starting from when someone broke into gringots. We see Harry getting onto the gryrifindor quiddich team and being known as the youngest seeker in a century as well as Harry finding the mirror of erised which shattered my heart, he went back every evening for about a fortnight until Dumbledore found him and moved the mirror to a different location.
The memory changes to one of Harry Ron and Hermione scrambling into an unlit corridor on the third floor and coming across a three headed dog which the eventually find out does not very suitable name, hagrid had named it fluffy of all things.
For a while there isn't much happening that is until Halloween where a troll manages to get into the castle, and guess what, Harry and Ron go after it. After a few minuets of people holding there breath hoping the trio would be okay there was a massive sigh of relief from most of the people I. The room when the troll is knocked out and the teachers appear.
For the rest of the nothing really happens, except Harry, Ron and Hermione getting past fluffy and through some Devils snare, catching a flying key, playing life size wizard chess over a already knocked out troll and past snapes riddle. After all that Harry made his way alone down a long flight of stares and at the bottom is a large open room with the mirror of erised stood in the middle and I front of it stood professor quirrel. He then removed his turban revealing Voldemort was latched onto the back of his head. Voldemort then tried and failed to kill Harry and Harry made it against all the odds out alive.

A/N I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, a new one should hopefully be out by Sunday the 2nd of April.
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