Chapter 27

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Harry's POV

Today is the day I'm reliving my memories so everyone can see them, the good and the bad, I'm not looking forward to it what so ever but it has to be done.

"Okay, so these are my first year memories. Try to enjoy them if you can." I said as I dropped my memories into the pensive. "Okay, here goes."

James' POV

As the memories starts we see a young Harry sat on the Hogwarts express looking out the window at the scenery as the train flies along the rails towards Hogwarts. After a few moments a ginger haired boy who I recognise to be Ron walks in.

"Hey can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." Asks Ron as he stands in the door way tot the compartment.

"Yeah sure." Replies Harry gesturing to the seat opposite him.

"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasly."

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

"So is it true, you know." Says Ron pointing towards his forehead.

"Is what true?" Questions Harry,

"You know, the scar." Ron answers in almost a whisper.

"Oh, yeah." Exclaims Harry moving his hair out the way revealing his lightning bolt scar.

"Wicked." Replies Ron with a rat on his lap with its head in some Bertybots every flavour beans. "This is Scabbars by the way, pathetic isn't he?"

"Just a little"

"Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow, do you want to see?"

"Yeah, go on."

"Sunshi-" Just as Ron started a bushey haired girl walks in,

"Have either of you seen a toad, a boy called Nevill has lost it. Oh your doing magic, go on lets see then."

"Sunshine-daisies-butter-yellow-turn this stupid fat rat yellow." Nothing happens.

"Well I've only tried simple spells, fixample, oculus repairo. Holy cricket you Harry Potter, and you are?" She asks turning to Ron.

"Ron Weasly"

"Pleasure." as she gets to the door she turns to face Ron, "you've got dirt on you nose, just there." And with that she is gone.

A/N thank you so so much for 1K reads, amsolutly amazing, please, vote, comment, share and follow me, thanks again for 1K reads.

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