Chapter 16

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Ginny's POV
Where on earth is Harry, he is late, he's ment to speaking to the audience but he is not here.
"It appears mr potter is late, well we will go onto the awards and he will speak after."
Then the halls to the great hall swing open and in comes Harry walking quickly down the isle to the podium, but he's wearing the uniform of head aurora, that's weird.
"Sorry I'm late professor, I was talking with Kingsley."
"Ok, I thought it would be important." Says professor mcgonagall
"Hello everyone, well I guess you all know who I am, but anyway, I don't have a long speech,i just want to thank everyone who has helped me threw my years at this amazing school. Firstly thank you to everyone who has helped in the war but now I'll go on to individuals, firstly I'd like to thank hagrid, he was my first real connection to the wizarding world, I remember the day like yesterday when he broke down the door and took me to diagon ally where I got my first wand and my first owl hedwig. Secondly, I'd like to thank all of the weasleys for helping me threw my years here, the first time I met them was at kings cross station where Molly showed me how to get onto platform nine and three quarters, I instantly became friends with Ron on the train and then the next summer Ron and his brothers Fred and George rescued me from the Dursleys in a flying car. Next I'd like to say thank you to Ron and Hermione, me and Ron as I've said became friends instantly, and we both became friends with Hermione after we knocked out a mountain troll in the girls bathroom. Im also thanking all of the order of the Phoenix, especially Sirius black and Remus lupin, Remus was the DADA teacher ind my third year, he taught me how to cast a patronus which has come in useful on more than one occasion. And Sirius black, he was thought to be a murderer, but he isn't, he was framed by Peter pettigrew who betrayed my parents. I also want to thank dobby the house elf who I freed in my second year, I didn't see him for a while but he helped free us from Malfoy mannor. Ok so I only have two people left, the first of these two is albus dumbledore, God knows where I'd be without him, most likely dead to be honest. Now the final person, this may come as a big surprise but it's Severus snape, he hated me because he had to, without him we wouldn't be here now, he was dumbledore's spy from the minute Voldemort started hunting down my mother. Thank you."

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