Chapter 21

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Harry's POV
Today, I decided I will show my family all my memories, not many people know what happened at the dursleys all those years ago but here goes.
"Mum? Dad? Can you come with me, I want to show you all of my memories."
"Ok, is it just us coming?" Says mum
"No, the order and the weasleys are coming as well."
"Ok, how was your life anyway, after we died?" Mum says with concern in her voice.
"It was..." I pause "hard, it wasn't ever easy."
"Oh dear, what happened?"
"Things, things people should never have to witness."
"Oh, what things?"
"Well Voldemort, he tried to kill me about once a year, and in my 4th year, he was resurrected."
"What do you mean resurrected, he can't have died."
"Mum, when you sacrificed yourself for me, you cast the ultimate protection over me, Voldemort couldn't touch me, so when we fired the killing curse, it hit me leaving just the scar on my head. But the curse rebounded, we became week, very week but not dead."
"Oh, I did t know."
"Not many people do, no one knows what happened exactly happened that night when he returned."
"Then why do you want to show us?"
"Because your my parents and you deserve to know what happened to me."
"Well ok, if your sure."
"I'm sure, any way, I need to talk to dumbledore and Severus."
"James calm down."
"Severus is a good man, I'd be dead if it wasn't for him, he was dumbledore's spy from the minute Voldemort started hunting you down."
"Why would he do that, he hates me."
"He didn't do it for you, he did it for mum, because he ,over her, his patronus is a doe, just like mums. He was the one who killed dumbledore, he did it on dumbledore's orders, he was headmaster to keep me safe, he helped me hunt down and destroy voldemorts horcruxes. He is a good man."
"Sorry, I didn't know."
"It's fine, nobody knows."

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