Chapter 9

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Ginny's POV
The whole hall is in shock, Harry defeats Voldemort and then his parents come back from the dead. But suddenly the hall is flooded with dementors, thousands of them all go rushing towards Harry.
"EXSPECTO PATRONUM." Harry yells at the top of his lungs, a silver stag erupts out of his wand and emits extremely powerful rays that force the dementors away. As the last few vanish through the doors to the great hall a few people are revealed, Sirius black, Remus lupin, Tonks and Fred followed by none other than dobby the house elf."

Harry's POV
"That patronus was bloody brilliant Harry."
"Sirius, your back."
"Course I'm back."
"Sirius, I've got some people you might want to see."
"Ok lead the way."
"Just over there."
"PRONGS." At this my dad turns
"The marauders reunite." Says Remus with happiness in his voice
George still hadn't looked up at what was happening,
"Hey George, hope you didn't miss me too much."
"FRED. Your back."
"Yeah I'm back anyway, let's go meet out heroes."
"The marauders aren't here Fred."
"Actual George they are, well all minus one."
"Ok let's see if your not telling fibs."
"Sirius." Yells Fred
"Fred George."
"Sirius, do you know the marauders?" Asks George
"Oh yes, ps I'm padfoot."
"Your a marauders?"
"Oh yes, James is prongs, Remus is moony and pettigrew is wormtail, the traitor."
"That is so cool."

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