Chapter 4

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Lily's POV
"James, it this way."
"I knew that"
"James, it him, you-know-who."
"Yes I can see that snake man, let's get to a place we can see."

Ginny's POV
I run out, I look at the huge crowed but my eyes get fixed on Hagrid, he's carrying a lifeless Harry, I loved Harry so much, he can't be gone, it can't be real he can't be dead the only person I ever truly loved dead

James' POV
Everyone is standing opposite to the death eaters and Voldemort, I see Hagrid, he's holding someone, but they appear life less, from what I can see his hair is untameable and jet black, his eyes green wearing ripped clothes and dirt on this face, what we imagined Harry would look like minus the ripped clothes and dirt on his face, it could be Harry, maybe he survived, but that couldn't happen you can not survive the killing curse it's impossible to do not even Dumbledore could do that. I've got no idea what the hell is going on but it's not good considering that Voldemort is standing in the middle of everyone with a large snake by his feat. But what ever went on, many lives had been lost, too many. This was the second wizarding war.

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