Chapter 3

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James' POV
We ran threw the the castle as fast as we could eager to find out what had happened, it looked like a war had taken place, the first was gruesome, so many died that day. The sadness hung in the air and followed all, the images impossible to forget or erase from anyone's memory. I have no clue what happened he but I hope it's not what it looks like and I hope it's not caused by the person I think it is, Voldemort.
"Lily, I hope there hasn't been a war."
"I do to James but there is nothing we can do to stop it and it looks like it's over."
"And I hope it's not cause by, you-know-who because if it is I'll murder the man."
"James, you know how powerful he is and he's killed us once and there is no stopping him doing it again so I would hide at the back of the crowd and watch instead of standing in his view, it's not every day you see a dead person standing in front of you especially the people you murdered."
"Yeah your right as usual Lilyflower."
"James you know don't like that name."
"Yeah I know Lilyflower."
"Right, stop calling me James and let's go."

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