Chapter 14

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Harry's POV
I can't believe it, everyone I care for is back, my parents and Sirius, everyone is back.
"Harry's, can you come with me a minute?"says Kingsley in his booming voice
"Of course minister, what do you need."
"I'll tell you in a but, we're going to the heads office"
"Ok, I'm not in trouble am I."
"Of course not its a good thing."
"Right ok."

"Right ok Harry, this is a big request, we have lost so many auroras and our head aurora declined so I'm offering you a job as head aurora."
"I'd love to Kingsley, when will I start."
"Today, I have you robes here, but first I must check your wand and scan it."
"Right ok, just to let you know it's the real elder wand, I'm the true master."
"Right ok. Can I look at it?"
"Of course minister."
"Ok, I have proved it is yours, so here are your robes, come to my office this evening at 7:00"
"Ok, oh and Kinsey, there was another prophecy about me, all the people close to me have come back from the dead. My parents, Sirius black, Remus lupin, Tonks, Fred weasley and dobby the house elf. I have checked them all and they are all who they say they are."
"Yes, I heard about the prophecy. Could you bring your parents, Sirius, Remus and Tonks with you to my office with you, I can give them all jobs as auroras but don't tell them now, oh and change into your uniform Harry, you hear permission to arrest people now. Oh and well done Harry, I'm so proud of you and to work with you. And don't call me minister, to you it's still Kingsley."
"Thank you Kingsley, I'll come in at 7 with everyone."
"Thank you Harry and well done again."

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