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Once you get to your friends house, you take a few breaths before ringing the doorbell. Without a moment to spare your friend opens the door:

"Hey (Y/N)! What took you so long!"

Taylor has a big white smile on her face  as she waits for you to answer:

"Oh yeah! Sorry! I lost track of time so I came here as fast as I could."

You couldn't tell her what happened because your scared of what she might say. What would you say anyway, "oh, you know, I just asked to see some guy in the alley, that could be a killer because I was curious. You know, what a NORMAL person would do."  NO, you would NOT do that ! Anyway, she understood and let you in.

"So what do you want to talk to me about that you couldn't talk to me on the phone about?" Taylor asks.

You turn around nervously as you take off your outerwear:

"Yes! Of course! The question that I wanted to ask you was- "

You suddenly remember what happened at school earlier today.

*flashback to earlier today in school

You walk into your first period class a few minutes early, so you sit down and get your books organized. Once you get the last of your books organized, you see someone walking up towards you from the corner of your eye.

"Hey  (Y/N), could I talk to you for a second?

The person that just spoke to you, is your ex-boyfriend and it's been 5 months since you two spoke.

You look around to make sure he isn't talking to someone else. Once you realize that he's talking to you, you look up at him from your chair and stare at him with a confused look on your face.

"Go on." Is what you say trying to sound emotionless.

"Look, I know that what happened between us was bad but you didn't hear me out.

You roll your eyes in annoyance as he continues:

" I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing. When I made out with Courtney(sorry for any Courtney's out there) I wasn't aware of it."

You roll your eyes again as your body fills with anger. You try to hold back tears but they just keep swelling until one warm tear finally falls down your cheek. You start to speak, your voice trembling ,

"Oh did your little girlfriend, Courtney, break up with you Kyle? Also, you seem not to be aware of a lot of things because were you not aware that you shouldn't be drinking in the first place?But please continue with whatever bull you have to say!"

Kyle looks taken aback as he looks at you in shock then looks to the ground. You calm down a little bit but tears are still flowing from your eyes like a water fall. You look around and notice that people are staring at you and you also look to the ground in embarrassment.
Kyle looks up at you sadly and says,

"Anyway, I just wanted to know if you would want to get back together again?"

You look up and glare at him. He obviously takes it as a "no" because he slowly walks to his seat.

You wipe your tears and situate your self in your chair , the bell rings but you don't notice it because your deep in thoughts as to whether you should get back with Kyle. You and Kyle have had so many good memories together that they kind of outnumber the bad memories.

* flashback ends

Once you've entered back into reality Taylor is calling your name:

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