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As you and Taylor walk to school, you notice that she's deep in thought and she hasn't said a word to you.

"Hey, Taylor?" You ask. "I thought you were fine with the whole Raph thing."

She looks at you and smiles, a sad smile. "Yeah, I guess it's fine. I just don't know if I trust him."

You look at her in shock, "Wait, what do you mean?"

Taylor smiles, slowly shaking her head and looks down to her feet. She clenches her backpack straps before saying, "Isn't it weird how the email says, 'don't bring Raph'? I just find it interesting." She looks back at you. With dull eyes that used to be bright.

You were upset, you thought she would be happy for you, but you didn't want to lose your best friend again so you stayed quiet.

The both of you walked silently to school. It was an awkward silence that you haven't experienced with her in a while.

As you got to school people were rushing up to you, asking if you were ok. You felt overwhelmed with all the attention you were getting. You answered some questions humbly, as you watched people scoff and make faces at you. Soon Macy, the girl that invited you to a party, came over and touched your shoulder. You turned around and rolled your eyes. Macy seemed to look passed it as she started to speak,

"(Y/N), how are you feeling? She said in a bitter sweet voice.

Before you can answer, Taylor walks up from behind you and takes your hand,

"Sorry Macy, but (Y/N) has better things to do right now."

Macy looks at Taylor in disgust before saying, "I'm sorry but, I just wanna be a good friend to my dear (Y/N). I don't care about you , you're irrelevant, just like your friends say." Macy cackles a bit after that.

Taylor looks as if she's about to fight her. He face is tense and you can feel the anger transferring into the air. Just as Taylor is about to do something, you hold her back, telling her she's not worth her time.

The both of you head inside the building and go to your lockers. Once you get to your locker, you see a bunch of notes saying things like "get better" and "stay alive". You read all of them and laughed at the funny ones. You grazed your fingers on all of them, thinking to your self, people actually care!

As you are deep in your thoughts, you hear someone calling your name. You quickly turn around, to see your ex-boyfriend, Kyle. Your turn your head back around and quickly open your locker to get your books.

As you get your books, you feel his presence, right next to you. You sigh heavily before around to face him.

"Hey (Y/N)! How are you?" He scratches the back of his neck, awkwardly.

You smile and shuffle your feet a little. He suddenly grabs your books out of your hands and adds them to his. He smiles brightly at you as you watch his face turn a slight red. You sigh before saying,

"Thanks Kyle." You smile slightly at him. You didn't feel like arguing with him at the moment because your head was starting to hurt a little so you just accepted.

He responds, "Hey, happy to help. But. Do you need help with anything else, are you ok?"

You wondered why he was acting like this but you didn't mind much. You responded to his questions saying, "I'm good Kyle, really, but thanks for asking. Good to know someone cares, you know!" You giggle a bit after.

Kyle joins you as he chuckles with you. As you walk to your first period classroom, which was about to start in 10 minutes, you feel your phone vibrate. You take it out of your pocket and open it to read the message that was sent, it was from Raph.

Raph: I've got a surprise for you

It bothered you that Raph didn't add any exclamations or something to emphasize the sentence a little. Anyway... you text back,

You: wat is it???

You were curious as to what it was but you don't get a response back. You begin to worry a bit because he usually texts you back immediately.

You decided not to take it to seriously or you would have a major headache. So you text him one more time, asking again. Once again, you are met with no response, so you begin to worry again. Kyle takes notice and lifts your chin up from your screen with his index finger,

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asks with concern.

You were about to respond when you heard a bundle of girls scream. No, it wasn't a blood curling scream but a "I-just-saw-a-cute-guy" scream. You walked over to see what the commotion was and when you got there, all you saw were 4 guys with their backs turned to you. You could tell that they were muscular but one of them seemed familiar. There were girls crowding around them, all trying to talk to them at once.

As You made your way per to where everyone else was, you noticed them struggling to get some girls off of them. One of the guys were more aggressive than the others, vigorously trying to get some girls off of him. When you finally got a chance to see their face you gasped... Woah!

Authors Note:

Woah!!! Who are those guys?

Ok, I guess it's not that hard to figure out but hey pretend it is, pretty please? Ok bye.

Stay weird my friends

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