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You watch as Leo stiffens and keeps a straight face, but you notice the mix of sadness and embarrassment in his eyes. Donnie notices as well and answers for him:

"April, I understand you are upset, but we have to keep level headed if we are going to get anything done."

We stand in a circle of silence until Taylor begins to speak, "Guys, I know it isn't that important, but (Y/n) and I have school tomorrow, so we won't be able to help too much- and I don't know about you and April." She gestures to Cassie and April ." What do you want us to do?" April asks the boys.

Splinter comes in to answer the question, "I want you children to go to school. You may think about solutions while you are there but do not let it get in the way of your learning. My sons will stay here and think about solutions as well. We will continue to act as always- we do not want the enemies to have any speculation that we know of their plans." Splinters crisp voice flows through the air. " I want you four to know that you are in more danger now that they know who you all are." He warns.

Cassie exclaims disappointment, "Splinter are you serious man, I wanna stay here and help! Besides, school isn't that important anyway. I need some action dude!" Cassie states.

Splinter narrows his eyes at Cassie and speaks, " You all will do as I say and Leo will come and escort you back home after school." (HAHA YOU TRIED CASSIE)

"Yes sensai." You all say in unison.

When Splinter finishes speaking, he leaves, leaving the room in a silent state. You begin to think about ways to help when suddenly Jackson's name pops into your head.

" Why don't we ask Jackson to help us- the guy that helped us back in Shredders lair. I remember he gave me his number a while back, so I can contact him." You say.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Yeah... he could help. While (Y/n) does that lets start making a game plan," Leo commands.

You take out your phone to call Jackson when you realize that you left his number at your house:

"Hey guys? I left his number at my house. Can someone come with me to go get it." You ask.

"Listen guys, it's getting late, so you guys should head home and get some sleep anyway." Leo addressed. "Here, Donnie will take Cassie and April home and I'll take (Y/n) and Taylor home."

The school kids get their things and  they say bye to Mikey.

"Mikey stay here and watch for anything while we're gone and uhhh.... watch Splinter for me while we're gone." Leo whispers.

Mikey responds, "You've got it bro!" And with that everyone leaves.

Leo drops you off at your house first and you give him a hug before walking to that silent house of yours.

You immediately look for the card that Jackson had given you and find it under the millions of junk you keep in your drawer. Your eyes graze over it before you type the number into your phone.

Jackson: "Hey you've reached my voicemail-"
You: "Crap!"
Jackson: "I'm just kidding, who is this?"
You: "Oh hey, it's me (Y/n)."
Jackson: "Oh so you finally gave me a call after all this time."
You: "yeah sorry, I-"
Jackson: "Hey, it's all good. What'd you need"
You: "Shredder poisoned Ralph and they plan on poisoning the entire city! We thought that we might call so you could help us get more on this stuff."
Jackson: "Woah, that's some big sh*t! Is Ralph good."
You play with the ends of your clothes as you answer his question.
You: "Well uhhh... he's not doing so well right now but he'll get better."
There's a long pause before anyone starts speaking.
Jackson: " Don't worry sweets he'll be fine, but what do you want me to do?"
You think about what he called you for a second, but quickly answer the phone:
You: "If you could visit them tomorrow... that would be cool. I'll let them know your coming."
Jackson: "Cool, I'll catch you later then!"
You: "bye"

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