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You get to school and notice Taylor talking to her boyfriend. You run up to them and smile:

"Hey Henry, can I talk to Taylor real quick?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you later Taylor."

Taylor looks at you in annoyance:

" What do you want (Y/N)?

"Taylor, I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you. I should have listened."

You feel tears swell up in your eyes as you remember what happened to you. You try to hold back the tears until you feel one roll down your cheek.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" She looks at you sympathetically and puts a hand in your shoulder.

You stare at the ground. The memory, of what happened last night, kept popping into your head every time you would try to forget it. You become shakey and the environment around you becomes blurrier and blurrier with every breath you take. All of a sudden, your breaths become heavy and everything around you is spinning at a very fast pace. You fall to the floor, feeling the cold pavement under your hands as you struggle to get back up.

You hear faint sounds coming from above you:

"(Y/N), what's going on?!" The voice is fading in and out as you go in and out of consciousness.

You stop struggling and lay on your back. You blink slowly and notice people crowding around you. Even though it was very blurry, you could tell what was surrounding you.


You hear someone yell a teachers name but everything trails off as you slowly close your eyes.

You wake up to a bright light that blinds you. You shield your eyes with your hand and look around. You see a small tv sitting across you with nothing on. You sit up to see Taylor with her head resting on her arms, on the side of your bed. You shake her arm softly,

"Taylor!" You whisper as you shake her arm again, "Taylor, wake up!"

Taylor rises her said slowly before looking up at you and wrapping her arms around you.

"Your awake!"

You look around and try to take in the environment around. Once you realize where you are, you're eyes close shut and you wince at the sudden pain behind your head.

Taylor removes herself from you and takes both your hands in hers:

"Are you ok?" She asks with much concern in her voice.

"No, what's going on? Why am I in a hospital?"

She let's go of your hands and collapses into her chair:

"You were talking to me and then all of a sudden you were crying and you just passed out!"

What Taylor says makes you feel uncomfortable because you're not sure why you were crying. Some how she Taylor reads your mind ands asks,

"The doctors were wondering what could've triggered that event, do you know?"

You shake your head and that makes you feel dizzy. Taylor face sinks a little. To try and help regain memory of what happened, you ask her,

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