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You and Raph hung out a little bit after the event of "jealous Raph." You were sitting on Raph's lap, on your phone, while Raph was wrapping his arm around your waist. He was reading a comic and occasionally playing with your hair. After a moment, you hear Taylor call your name. You, realizing you haven't hung out with her yet, quickly get off of Raph's lap and run out of the room.

Once you got out of the room, you noticed Taylor being tickled by Leo.

"(y/n)! Help!" She laughs after that.

Once Leo sees you, he immediately stops and helps Taylor up.

"Sorry Taylor." Leo rubs the back of his neck.

"It's o-ok." Taylor giggles.

Leo leaves the room and you walk up to Taylor with a smirk on your face:

"You like him don't you."

Taylor looks at the ground: "Maybe... yeah. He's really nice and he seems caring. Oh, and dont forget those muscles! I don't care if he's a turtle though-"

Your eyes light up and you cut in before she continues speaking.
"Oh so you don't think me dating a turtle's weird anymore, do you?"

Taylor looks at you sheepishly. You laugh and she laughs with you.

"Yeah Leo's alright but I feel like he can be kind of stern.... so try to help him let loose a little ok." You give her the did-you-understand-look and her face quickly saddens.

"(Y/n), I think he likes someone else."

You look at her with confusion plastered upon your face:

"Who?" You ask. She responds,

"I think her name's Karai or something. She looks gothic and hates, like, everyone." She says with disgust. You tap your finger on your chin.; you know who Karai is, but you feel like the turtles have mentioned her before. You shake your head after realizing that that was a crazy thought.

After, about, an hour, you and Taylor head home.


"Raph! Come on!" You try to drag Raph to the entrance of the school cafeteria, but he's barely moving. You give up and shove Raph's arm away from your grasp . He stands still and crosses his arms:

"Im not going to the stupid dance! Why don't we stay at home and watch some horror movies or something!" You cross your arms as well, and glare at him. " I might have a mission to go to anyway. " Raph lowers his voice.

The two of you made your relationship public, about two weeks ago and you honestly didn't care what anyone else thought.  So going to prom with your boyfriend, wasn't a problem, it was making him go that was a problem. Raph did not want to go to prom. He thought it was boring and cringy, apparently. He also hated PDA, unless it was holding hands. He though my prom was full of it.

You began to pout, "but I wanna go to prom with you, and it'll be my last chance before I go to college!"

Raph rolls his eyes and huffs: "Fine! But I'm not gonna sign up for prom King!" He continues to walk.

You squeal and jump for joy. The both of you head to the entrance of the cafeteria and buy two tickets for prom.

"Ahh! I love you!" You squeal and wrap your arms around his waist. Raph rolls his eyes and nods his head in response.

As the two of you walk back to your table, one of Raph's friends call him over.

"Hey I gotta go but I'll catch you later, ok." Raph says.

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