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"Wait is that... Raph!?" You said to yourself.

Raph noticed you and smiled at you, at the same time, trying to get 3 girls away from him. You giggle as you watched him struggle, with the three other boys, you assumed were his brothers.

You decided to leave because you didn't want to be caught up in the mess and be late to class.

As you sat down in your chair, you started to feel a little down. You kept thinking about those girls who were surrounding Raph.

*Him and his brothers are in human form right now. Donnie created a watch that would allow them to transform into a human whenever they wanted to.*

You don't like that those girls were getting all handsy with your boyfriend.

A few minutes after the teacher roll calls, you see Raph, Leo, Mikey, and Donnie walk in. They come in huffing and puffing. The teacher turns around and shakes her head in disappointment. Everyone turns to look at them. You giggle as their faces turn slightly red. Donnie's face was especially red. You started to feel bad for them, it was their first day and it already started off kinda bad.

The teacher asks for each of their names and they reply:

"Hey, my name's Leo!" Leo said.

Then it was Raph's turn, "The names Raph, if you really wanna know." He says snobbishly. You mentally face palm as they move on to the next guy.

"Umm.. hello ... I-I'm Donnie."
He says sheepishly. You smile a bit.

Then last but not least... "Hey dudes and dudettes! It's your boi.... MIKEY!!" He puts his hands up in the air, in a winning stance.

People in the classroom start to laugh, while some groan in annoyance.

As the class settled down. The four brothers went to sit down in open chairs. There was a chair next to you but before Raph could sit down, a student you didnt know was sitting there, came back from sharpening their pencil and sat down. Raph looks disappointed as he pulls out a chair and sits next to Macy. Macy smiles and waves her fingers to him. You watch in disgust as she twirls her hair around her finger, asking him a bunch of questions.

*skip to lunch, cuz I'm lazy A to the freakin F*

As you grab your lunch, you sit at the table with a few of your other friends. You watch for when Raph comes in.

"(Y/N)! Have you seen the new guys? They're so HOT!" One of your friends say.

You scoff and roll your eyes, as a hint of jealousy falls over you.

"Whats the matter (Y/N)? She says.

You just shrug and say, "Nothing, I'm just not feeling to good."

Your friend's face saddens, as she puts a hand on your shoulder, "You'll get through this."

You smile at her and look back at the cafeteria entrance. As you wait, you see Raph and his brothers walking in with Macy and her popular friends. You start to heat up, as you quickly bring out your phone and type vigorously on the screen. You text Raph to meet you by your locker.

You walk out of the cafeteria and head to your locker. About 30 seconds after you've left the cafeteria, you hear someone calling your name. You turn around to see (human) Raph running after you. You slowly stop at your locker and face Raph. He smirks before diving in for a kiss. You tease him a bit before actually kissing him. He wraps his arms around your waist, as you wrap your arms around his neck. Even though he was human, he was still pretty tall so you were on your toes. After your short, sweet kiss, you ask, "Why are you here?"

"Well, my nerd of a brother decided that it would be great to go to school and learn. Yeah, he thought it would be fun and he got it past Splinter so now we're here."

You look at him playfully, "Aren't you excited to see me?" You ask.

Raph smiles: " Nah, just came cause I had too."

You slap his arm playfully and laugh.

"Plus, I think Donnie really wanted to go because of this girl, named April, that we know."

You look at Raph with a mix of confusion and shock. The name "April" sounded familiar to you.

"Wait April-"

"April's in this school. Do you know her?"

That's when you realize that she's that girl that you've always seen hangout with Casey, the popular guy.

"Yeah! Well I haven't actually talked to her, but I know her. How do you know her?"

Raph puts a smirk on his face and touches his chin, as if he were thinking.

"I'll tell you all about it later."

Before you can continue, Macy comes up out of nowhere.

"There you are Raph! Get back to Cafeteria, we need you."

Raph rolls his eyes and leaves. Once he's out of sight, Macy walks up to you and glares.

"Oh don't even think about talking to him because he's mine!"

You just shrug your shoulders as she sashays away. You knew that Raph wouldn't fall for her.

*Authors Note*
Another update on schedule! I'm on a roll here. Anyway hoped you liked this one and have a good day!

See you later and stay weird my friends!

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