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You hear muffled arguing as your eyelids slowly glide open. They slowly flutter, so it's been a few minutes till you finally wake up. You move your hand, just to realize you're in chains. Your senses start to come back to you as you feel the cold metal around your wrist. You yank the chain with your arm, trying to break free; but its no use. When you hear someone whisper your name, is when you come to realize that you're in a cell. You hear the whisper again, but because you're in a dimly lit room you can't pin point exactly where it's coming from. The person whispers again but this time a little bit louder. You listen carefully and assume that the whisper is coming from your right.

"Ummm.. who is that?" You whisper hesitantly.

"I don't know if you remember me, but it's me, Jackson." He whispers in response. You try to think back to when you heard that name, but then you realize that you know a lot of Jacksons.

"Wait, Jackson who? You ask. There's a tense pause. Then he begins to whisper,

"I don't think I told you my last name, but I met you at that party-"

You quickly remember what party he's talking about and sigh in relief, while in shock. You reply, "Oh, where are we, and do you know why we're here?... Why are you here?" There's another long pause before he responds,

"Hey, I can help you get outta here if you just follow my lead, ok? He assures.
You listen to him.

**Raph's POV*** (wowww.. haven't done this in a while)

I wake up to a sharp pain in my bicep and strong tight grips down my arms. By instinct, I vigorously try to shake them off, but they won't move. I grit my teeth, straining to be released from whatever grip Im in. As I struggle, I realize that I'm in the dark (after thinking that my eyes were still closed).I stop and bang the back of my head against whatever I'm on.

"Come on!" I say to myself. I try, once again, to move. I know that I'm strapped but I don't want to believe it.

Soon, bright lights turn on from above me, and colossal doors fling open. I quickly turn my head to the side and squint my eyes. Stockman-fly comes toward me.

"Ooooooh have I got a treat for you!" He said in a sing-song tone. I grunted,

"F*ck off or I'll bash your head in!" Stockman laughed:

"I don't know if you realize this but- you're the one strapped on a table not me."

"Where are my brothers?" I yelled. Stockman shook his head.

"Come on now Raph! You gotta work with me here!- Now, what do you think? Should we torture you then kill you or just kill you. Ooh, maybe we should have you watch your brothers die and then you! I have lots of tech for whatever option-"

I narrow my eyes and clench my fists. I'm about to respond, but then the doors fling open again. 

Tiger Claw walks in and we make eye contact. I stare coldly at him and he gives me a fiery glare. Stockman takes notice and chuckles:

"Now boys, lighten the mood-"

Before he finishes, Tiger Claw interrupts, "Shredder wants the turtles." He says bluntly.

Stockman groans, "Awe come on man, I was just about to have fun!"

I grit my teeth before exclaiming, "Don't you even dare f*ckin' touch me! I'll-" before I can finish, Stockman drugs me, and I slur my words before my eyes close shut.
********(few minutes later)*******
I wake up feeling weak to my bones. I groan in pain as my eyes slowly open. When they open, I'm met with my brothers surrounding me, also tied up. Their eyes are still closed. All four of us are standing almost completely upward by the medical exam tables we're attached to.

I notice that I'm in motion and quickly turn my head to see behind me. I try to see behind me, but I can't because the table's in the way.

"D*mn!" I whisper to myself.

They move us into a horizontal line and push us through double iron doors. Immediately as I get through I recognize where we are: Shredders throne room.

I glare at him through the dimly lit room. I notice that he doesn't have his helmet on. His scar streaks across his ugly face. He looks to the side and eyes the room, meaning, he didn't notice . As we come closer, I notice a slight smirk plastered across his face.

My brothers wake up and they look around frantically. Shredder notices and clasps his hand; his smirk turns into a grim grin. I growl.

"Now that I have the four of you, getting Splinter here won't be a problem." Splinter speaks grimly.

I feel my heart clench at the statement. I could tell that my brothers felt the same because they dropped their heads; even the fearless leader was scared.

"Shredder-" Shredder turns his head, "I will beat your a**!" I yell. My eyes turn cold as I try to escape captivity. I think I'm almost out when TigerClaw punches me in the face and tightens the belt around my limbs. The belts basically cut of blood circulation in my arms. I feel slow gradients of pain. I can barely move. I struggle to keep from expressing pain, and I stare deep into Shredders eyes. Shredder lifts himself from out of his throne and walks up to me. My head follows his movement as he walks down the steps and up to me. He stands still for a second, then quickly sends a sharp kick to my stomach. I lean forward and groan in pain. I start to feel a little lightheaded, but I make sure that I stay awake.

"Shredder... you don't have to do this. We-" Before Leo can finish, someone yells "shut up!"

We turn to the corner of the room where Karai is. Leo looks at Karai with sadness in his yes. She gives him a cold expression and turns to Shredder,

"Father, could we begin now ?" She asks. Shredder shakes his head, while he is still looking in our direction.

"No! Hamato Yoshi needs to see this!" He responds. Karai nods,

"Alright." She says. Her face is emotionless.
Soon the doors burst open, revealing Splinter being dragged in. Shredder immediately shifts his focus to him. My brothers and I try to get out, wanting to help our master, but nothing works.

Shredder clasps his hands behind his back and walks up to Splinter.
He punches him and grabs him by the collar.

"Hamato, watch each and every one of your sons die before my hand." He grimly whispered.

Splinter stared back with a cold, expressionless face: "Never!" Splinter responded.

Splinter swiftly kicks behind his legs and gets up. Shredder growls and they begin to fight.

I started to wonder where (y/n) was. My train of thought is that shifted to (y/n). I wished I could hold her and make sure she was alright. I wish I could protect her.

My brothers and I watch a anxiously as Splinter and Shredder fight. I so badly want him to win.

Shredder shoves and kicks Splinter in the head. Splinter stumbles back; and in that time, Shredder pins Splinter to the floor.

A few seconds later, the door busts open-once again- and (y/n) appears with April, Taylor, Cassie, and a guy I didn't know. They all have laser guns in their hands.

"Who's ready to kick some butt!" (Y/n) yells.

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