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You hurriedly rush out of your house and enter the lair.

Your eyes blur as you enter the room. You see Raph laying on the couch with his brothers and Jackson surrounding him. Your fast pace diminishes and you slowly creep toward the couch. Jackson seems to be the only one that acknowledges you as his head turns so that he can look at you. He walks towards you and obscures your vision of Raph lying limp. You continue to walk forward and to the side so that you can take in the situation and see Raph clearly. You're heart clenches as it quickens with each step you take. Jackson's steps in front of you again and wraps his arms around you. He places a hand on the back of your head and holds it close to his chest. You begin to whimper as you struggle to release from his embrace. You place your hands on his chest and try to push him away, but your actions are futile against his strength.

"Let me go! I-I wanna... let me go." You sobbed.
You needed to see him. You needed to see Raph. Just the thought of him being so lifeless-so cold- it hurt.

You weakly beat against his chest as he just holds you tightly in his embrace. Your efforts soon come to a stop and you melt into his warmth and just... sob. Your arms tighten around his back and you just...sob. Maybe, if you sob hard enough, it won't be real anymore-it'll be a bad nightmare.

Jackson rubs smooth circles on your back as you weep into his chest as if to put out all the emotions tucked inside of you.

Your sobs soon revert to whimpers and you stand still in Jackson's arms.

"Jackson, I want him to wake up." You whisper.

"It'll be ok, (y/n)" is all he says.

You leave his embrace and look to see the boys peering over him in astonishment. You walk over to them quickly to see what they're  looking at and when you see him, your eyes enlarge and your mouth gapes open as he shifts softly on the couch.

"Oh my gosh!" You gasp. "I-is he waking up?" You ask toward no one specific.

"I-" Donnie stutters, "I think h-he is." His eyes remain glued to Raphs form and you watch as he scrutinizes every stir of movement Raph makes.

Thoughts ramble in your head as you try to think of how you would find him awake. Those thoughts take a negative turn and soon you're asking the dreaded question you know is hanging in the tense. atmosphere:

"Do you think he'll wake up as himself?" You ask.

Immediately, as you ask the question, Raph's beautiful emerald eyes flutter open and adjust to the light. He groans as if he hasn't been exposed to light in ages and his hand move to cover his eyes.

"Those f*cking lights are bright! Turn 'em off!" He growls. Mikey rushes to comply and dims the lights. You immediately throw your arms around Raph—completely disregarding your last question.

Raph is tentative when he first notices that it's you that is on top of him, but when he can finally process that's it's you, he reciprocates your embrace. He squeezes you tightly as if you'd fly away if he held you with less force.  You lay your head on his chest and feel the little warmth of his body against yours. Tears stream down your cheeks, but despite your past tears, these are tears of happiness.  You're in relief as you feel the heaviness of your heart decrease.

Raph kisses the top of your head and you turn your head up to see a few tear droplets sliding down his face. For the first time, you've seen him cry. You were in shock, but the happiness inside you wouldn't subside and it took over you. Those tears on his face were definitely signs that he was, indeed, himself.

You giggle and wipe the tears from his face with your thumb. He smiles lovingly at you-his teeth glimmer-and it sends chills down your spine. That was a genuine smile. His smile was so beautiful and you couldn't help but want to see it from him forever.

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