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You proceed to the end of the school day and as the last bell, of the day rings, you rush out the door and wait for Raph and his brothers to walk out.

As Raph and his brothers walk out, you see Macy, still attached to him as if they were conjoined at the hip. He looked uncomfortable and would always remove her hand from around his waist. As you were waiting for Macy and her clique to detach themselves from Raph and his brothers, you felt a hard jab at your shoulder. You rubbed the spot as you turned around to see who it was, and to your surprise, it was... the guy who assaulted you. You're eyes grew wide, as the color of your (e/c) grew dull. You wanted to stomp, scream, run, cry, and slap him, all at the same time but you decided to face him.

"Hey Hotty, wassup!? He tried to put an arm around you, but you dodged it. He got mad and grabbed you by the arm. You struggled and yanked your arm away.

"Let go of me!" You yelled but he was persistent until someone interrupted, "Hey! What do you think you're doing!?"

The guy rolled his eyes and groaned, "Ugh, another guy tryna ruin our fun?"

You smiled when you saw who it was... It was Raph.

Raph went up to the guy and yanked him by his shirt, "If you ever try to touch her or any girl again, I will f*ck you up and throw you to the wolves! Got it!?"

The guy nodded his head vigorously and ran from Raph's grasp. Raph grunted and watched him run, till he was out of sight. Hey then, turned to face you and smirked. You were so relieved that Raph was there to help you.

"Thanks Raph!" You whisper but loud enough for him to hear you. You rub the side of your arm awkwardly, as Raph responds.

"Just here to save your a**."

You giggle a bit before you see Macy and her clique walk up to you and Raph.

"Awe Raphie, that was so kind of you. You're so brave." Macy coos.

Raph rolls his eyes and slides his hand though his hair. Macy looks over to you with pure jealousy and says,

"(Y/N), why don't you say thank you to Raph for making him save you."

She smiles mischievously, you just stand there in embarrassment and anger. How could she say something like that? Who gives her the authority to talk to me like that anyway.

Raph turns to Macy with a scowl and says, "Why don't you say sorry for for being annoying. Ya lil'-" Raph's New York accent was beginning to come out.

But before Raph could continue, Leo interrupts, "Sorry Macy but we have to go now... we'll see you later!" And with that they leave.

As you were about to leave, Macy spun you around and brought you about an inch away from her face by your shoulders, "I don't know what you're trying to pull here, but just know that, I'm coming for you." She barks.

She shoves you a bit before walking past you with her clique right on her heals.

You catch up with the turtles.

"Hey g-"

"Why does she treat you like that?" Raph asked.

You went silent for a second to think about why, but you didn't know why.

"Hmmm... I don't know why." You shrugged. "She kinda just hates me."

Mikey comes over to you and puts an arm over your shoulders, "Well dudette, don't listen to anything she says cause it's not true!" He exclaims.

You smile and thank him before Raph elbows him in the chest and wraps a tight arm around you. (Look at him being all protective;) You snuggle up close to him when he does.

"Ow! That hurt more than it usually does!" Mikey shouts.

You giggle and Raph just smirks like usual.

"So guys...? How did you like school?" Donnie asks.

Mikey is the first one to answer, "School's pretty dope, dude!"

Donnie smiles with his gap toothed smile.
Raph responds as well, "I get to see (Y/N) so that's cool, but everyone there sucks and is pretty freakin weak! At least you get to see your girlfriend too!" Raph snickers.

Mikey eyeballs Donnie and starts laughing. Donnie frowns and moves on to Leo, "So Leo, what do you think?"

There's no answer. Leo's call for his attention but he keeps walking with a blank expression on his face. Mikey pounces on his back and when he does, Leo shakes him off and speaks with frustration, "What the heck Mikey!"

Mikey backs away and raises his hands in surrender. Then Donnie asks what's wrong but he shrugs and says nothing.
They make it to the the manhole and open it to enter. Once they reach the lair, they come down to meet Splinter with Spike in a choke hold.

*Authors note*

So I've been gone for a while... I know. Just wanted to let you know that I wasn't really feeling up to writing for a period of time but don't worry I'm back again! I really am sorry for being gone for so long so please don't hurt me.😂 Anyway, stay weird my friends

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