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You and Taylor stayed up till one in the morning, even though you knew you had school a few hours later.

The both of you stayed up talking about everything and you were happy until.... you realized that you haven't told her about the email!
You thought it was important because, I mean, she's your best friend, it's the rules. Anywaaay...

You were on your bed, laying on your stomach, while your hands were interlaced with each other and brought under your chin. Taylor was on the floor, next to your bed laying on her back, her hands interlaced behind her head.

You turn and rest the side of your head on top of your fingers and say, "Hey, Taylor?"

She turns her head to look at you, " What's up?"

You take a deep breath before continuing, " I have something to show you."

You and Taylor get up; she follows you to your computer, and you show her the note and email you received from the mystery man.

"Woah (Y/N)! This is some pretty weird stuff! What are you gonna do about it?

"I don't know. I thought that maybe you would have an idea!"

Taylor shakes her head in response but in partial denial. Then she asks,

"But why would he tell you not to bring Raph? What does he have to do with it?" Taylor asks.

She furrows her eyebrows as you hesitate for a moment looking for an answer. Then to make your hesitation seem reasonable you say,

"I don't know. I hope he or she doesn't hurt him!" You look to the ground and try to force tears so that it would seem believable, but as you were trying you actually started to cry. The situation really started to sink in when you realized that Raph could be in trouble, and you didn't want him to get hurt. You turned away so Taylor couldn't see you, but you were too late. Taylor puts a hand on your shoulder,

"Don't worry, no one's going to get hurt." She tells you reassuringly. Taylor pauses for a moment and looks quickly to the ground before looking back up with concerning eyes. She bites her lip, " Why don't you call Raph tomorrow and let him know what's going on." She nods for acceptance. You nod back in acceptance and wipe your eyes.

"Yeah, I can do that." You say, your voice a little shaky.

Soon after, your head starts pounding and you get dizzy, so you ask Taylor to get your meds and some water. Taylor quickly gets you your things and you take them.

"Thanks." You say.

" mhmm!"

You drink your water and suggest that the both of you should go to sleep.

***********(Early in the morning)

You and Taylor both get ready. Taylor woke up before, so she was already downstairs.

You had finished putting on your clothing, when you heard a knock at your window. You ran up to it, without a moments hesitation. You saw Raph waving through the window. You slid open then window,

"Raph, you need to go!"

Raph looks at you, with confusion plastered on his face, "Well hello to you too!" He says.

You turn your head to make sure Taylor wasn't behind you, then quickly turn back,

"Taylor's still here!"

"F*ck!" As Raph  is about to leave, you hear a gasp.

You turn around to see Taylor standing in utter shock. She stumbles o we her words as she tries to say something,

"(Y-Y/n) w-who i-is that!?" Taylor starts to slowly walk backwards.

Without finding a reasonable answer, you just stick with the response you know best... the truth.

Raph comes in and stands behind you. Even though you couldn't see him, you could sense his anger and annoyance.

You scratch the back of your head before saying, "Well ummm.... Taylor...... this is my b-boyfriend." Your voice raises towards the end.

Taylor messages her temples, "So you're telling me that, this is Raph. Then who was that other guy?"

Raph clenches his fist and growls, "If you have a problem with me dating (Y/N), then you can sure as shell... LEAVE!"

Taylor jumps back a bit and looks at    you; her face full of terror.

You come and intervene, "Taylor he's not scary or bad; in fact, he's the vigilante in our city. Taylor, please give him a chance."

Taylor looks at Raph with wide eyes, then back to you again. She sighs, then slumps herself against the wall,

"Sure, I'll give him a chance."

You smile; then, take Raphs hand in yours and walk over to her. Taylor looks up at Raph and says,

"So... were you that guy in the hospital?"

Raph nods.

Raph stares at him, curiosity burning in her eyes,


"It's complicated.", Raph responds.

"How about we start over!"

Taylor stands up, "Umm yeah sure, but we need to get to school (Y/N), so maybe later? And you've got a lot to talk to him about."

Raph looks at you with confusion written all over his face. You look up at him still holding his hand, "We'll tell you everything later, but I  have to go. Stay safe!"

You give Raph a nice medium long kiss and hug him before going to school with Taylor.

*Authors Note

Ok, so this is my first update on schedule and I did it.... so... now you know I'm trustworthy.

This chapter isn't too long but isn't short either. Anyway I hoped you liked this one, cuz your best friend knows and she seems pretty cool with it but is she? Dun dun duuuuuuun!!!

It's fun leaving you guys in suspense! Anyway, see ya later !

Stay weird my friends


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