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You're parents stared down at you with suspicion written all over their faces . When you caught a hold of that, you reassured them by saying, "Guys... I'm serious. I just wanted to take a walk in the park. My head was hurting and-"

That's when your parents interrupted to ask, " Oh, how are you feeling? Have you been taking your meds?"

Immediately when they asked you those questions, you felt yourself heat up. Are you serious! It's like they just forgot that I was in the hospital and that I could have...oh, I don't know...DIED!

Your brows furrowed and you just rolled your eyes. You couldn't believe them: "Mom, Dad, Did you forget that I was in the hospital not to long ago?" You tried to ask it in the most respectful way possible, and without emotion, especially without emotion. Though, near the end of the question, you're voice cracked a little.

Your father didn't catch on to what you meant and bluntly responded, "Well, how could we forget!" You were starting to feel a little better, thinking, maybe they do care, until he continues, "With all those bills coming in!" After that, he dares to laugh.

You immediately broke inside. Really! All they care about are the bills! Is this f***ing real!

You sucked in your lips and squinted your eyes to keep yourself from crying. Ok...great... umm... I just found out that Raph used mutagen and now a mutant's after me and...my parents don't care... Great! But, you couldn't keep yourself from letting it out.

Your mom glared at your dad. That glare, was the glare of disappointment. But, was it all an act, did she even care.

Your mom walked up to you slowly and your father did the same:

"Hey darling, I'm sorry. I was just... trying to lighten the mood." He chuckled, "Guess that didn't work.

They walked up to you and put you in an embrace. It didn't feel warm like it used too when you were younger. Instead of trying to escape their grasp, you just stood their sobbing in between their shoulders. You were to weak and in shock  to move.

You've been through so much, in such a little time period. You almost lost your best friend, you were sexually assaulted, got into a fight with Raph, fainted, realized your parents don't care, found out you had a stalker(Spike), found out Raph used the mutagen on Spike( You absolutely hate mutagen, if I didn't already state that), and now your parents want to make jokes of your hospitalization, life couldn't be better!

Your mom rubbed your back in a circular motion to try and keep you calm, but that made you cry even more.

After a few minutes, which felt like forever, they finally let go and both put a hand on your shoulder.

"Honey, we care very much about you. Even though it doesn't feel like it, we really do! I just wish there was more we can do to show you." Your mother said.

The aura of the room was beginning to feel very sad, so you tried to lighten the mood but with subtle shade encrypted: " Well you can start off by not making jokes about me being in the hospital." An awkward smile crept upon your lips, while your parents awkwardly chuckled in response.

You wiped your tears away and told them that you had homework to do. They nodded and left you to go about your business.  You ran straight to your room and shut the door behind you. You so desperately wanted to rant to someone about the events that happened to you, so you hit up Taylor's phone.

Taylor picked up the phone immediately after you dialed her number: "Hey, I saw you running home. What happened?

You sigh and talked to her about everything that has happened so far. Luckily for you, she was a good friend and listened  to what you had  to say. After explaining she says, "First of all, even though I don't like Raph, I think you should talk to him. I don't know if it was an accident or not, but if it was on purpose, he probably had a good reason for it. He seems like a reasonable guy." You smile and nod, "And second of all... Don't jump to conclusions about your parents just yet. I think they're trying hard to make you happy but aren't that great at it. I mean not everyone is perfect at parenting. Ehem... except Beyoncé, but that's beside the point. Just give them time but also let them know how your feeling."

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