Chapter two: One step forward, two steps back

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  School isn't something either of the Shea brothers master. In fact, they really suck. In the city, school wasn't a big deal. Whether you were good or not, it didn't matter. But here, it's another story.

Grades are really important because if you want to get out of Tivoli, you need to find a good college and for that, you need to graduate and for that, you need to- Okay, you got the point. 

Helen dropped them at the school's entrance, wishing them both a good day. She wasn't an idiot, she knew they weren't gonna have a good day. High school is awful, she's been there too.

Red Hook high school wasn't the worst in the area but the second they stepped a foot on the school's ground, they knew they wouldn't fit in.

Here, kids don't dress like the ones in the city. They wear boots and parkas, not sneakers and leather jackets. Isak will fit just fine for that last part, Philip thought to himself, trying to siffle a snicker. What can you say, he likes to make fun of his little brother. 

With his luck, Isak got Physical Education for his first period. He groaned when he saw the words on his schedule sheet. How is he supposed to make friends when he has P.E. for first class? He's the worst at sports. He has two left feet.

The blonde made his way to the boys changing room, feeling awkward that his first time meeting his classmates he would be half naked. How casual.

A little less than ten guys were there when Isak walked in. They all turned, giving him a look. Feeling watched, Isak lowered his eyes and went to the far end of the changing room to not disturb anyone. 

Red Hook isn't a large high school. Everyone knows when there's a newbie among them. 

Isak felt dumb because he didn't know he had P.E. today and didn't bring any shorts for the class. A hand tapped his shoulder and he abruptly turned around. 

For a second, Isak was scared because, was this blonde guy going to be his new bully? School has never been easy for him, not when everyone knows your mom's a junkie. 

''Erm, hey, you okay?'' the stranger asked.

''Y-yeah, I just-'' Isak chewed on his lip, still unsure of the guy's intentions. He sighed. ''No, I didn't know I had this class first period today...'' 

''I have a spare kit in my bag, want it?'' 

Isak eyed the guy cautiously. Why is this stranger offering him his spare gym kit? They just met. There must be a trap! ''Does it smells weird?'' 

The guy laughed, shaking his head. ''No. It's clean, I promise it's clean.'' 

''Okay. I'll take it.'' 

With a nod, the blonde student went to get his bag. He was back shortly, giving Isak the pair of dark shorts and white tee shirt. ''I'm, Magnus, by the way.'' 


For Isak, it's been surprisingly easy to make friends at Red Hook but, it wasn't the same for Philip. Unlike his little brother, Philip isn't the type of person people wants to be seen with. He's not like the other students and doesn't mix in very well. He doesn't fit into any groups.

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