Chapter six: Innocent soul

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  The familiar voice had Isak looking up from his phone, stopping when meeting Even's blue eyes. ''H-hello?'' 

''Hiding in the bathroom? I thought no one did that anymore.''

''I'm not hiding,'' Isak replied. 

Even raised his eyebrows. ''Really? Why are you sitting in the tub, playing games on your phone, then?'' 

He was caught. His brain was slow because of the weed so it was more difficult to find a quick lie. ''I...'' 

''That's right,'' Even said with a smirk. 

''What are you doing here?'' 

''You invited me, you don't remember?'' 

How could he not remember? That's the same day he told him about Sonja... Even crushed his hopes. That day is engraved in Isak's mind for the rest of his life. ''Erm, yeah but, I didn't think you'd show up.'' 

The blonde crossed the distance between the door and the tub, sitting down on the edge of it. ''I'm here, am I?'' He looked down at Isak, their eyes meeting, blue never quitting- ''You have very interesting eyes,'' Even noted, making the younger blonde arch an eyebrow. What is Even on about? ''I just noticed. Sometimes they're blue and other time, they're like, green. It's really cool.''

''Oh. I don't know? I've never paid attention to that,'' Isak said. It never bothered him before to not know the exact color of his eyes but now that Even brought it up, he really, really wants to know. He wants to know the answer so bad that it's the only thing he can think about for a couple minutes. He's so focused on that that he doesn't hear Even saying his name. 


''Did you say something?'' 

Even chuckled, his eyes crinkling. ''Wanna go outside?'' 

Like a cute, obedient dog, Isak followed Even outside, too infatuated by the blonde to say no. They made their way trough the mass of not so sober teenagers, trying to get to the sliding doors of Emma's backyard. 

A cold air hit them in the face the second they stepped out. Isak scrunched his nose when the wind hit his face, his snapback almost flying off. It was chilly for a November night in New York. From what Isak remember, it wasn't that cold in the city at this time of the year. 

Even sat on a bench outside Emma's house and sat on the top. ''You smoke?'' Even asked. 

Is that what all teens do in Tivoli? Taking drugs and drinking booze on Friday nights. It's a small town and there's literally nothing to do but...really? Isak shrugged and the older boy pulled out a pinner shaped cigarette and lighter out of his pocket. Even took a drag and blew the smoke, handing the joint to Isak who took it without thinking. 

He could still feel the buzz from when he smoked with the boys but, who was he to decline Even's offer? He had the chance to hang out with his crush, why would he to say no? 

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He could still feel the buzz from when he smoked with the boys but, who was he to decline Even's offer? He had the chance to hang out with his crush, why would he to say no? 

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