Chapter twenty-two: Everybody hurts

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  New York to Florida is a sixteen hours drive - not counting trafic. Sixteen hours is a long time to be stuck in a car with someone. It has room for lots of conversations. Philip planned to use this trip as a test for Lukas. It's the break it or make it of their relationship. Philip is careful though. He doesn't want to make Lukas angry during the first hour or else this trip will seem endless. 

''Are you hungry? We can stop at this small restaurent my dad and I always go. We'll get there by ten,'' Lukas said, breaking the silence for the first time since they left Tivoli. 

Philip hummed, not taking his eyes off his book. His English teacher gave them a book to read for an upcoming exam - Monday morning - and Philip completely forgot about it. Now he has to read the damn book during the trip to Florida. Lucky for him, he's a fast reader. ''Whatever is fine. I'm not picky.'' 

Lukas started laughing and Philip frowned. ''Not picky? You always complain about food.'' The blonde turned to Philip for a brief instant before returning his eyes on the road. ''Are you sure this is pizza? It tastes like shit. Pizza is better in the city...and blah blah blah-'' Lukas mocked.

Closing his book, Philip crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Lukas. ''It's true. New York pizza is the best.''

''See, you're complaining again,'' he pointed and Philip rolled his eyes. 

''Am not! I'm just stating that food is better in New York.''

''Food is food. It all tastes the same.'' 

''What?! No, no, no. You are so fucking wrong. Did you ever went to the city?''

''Of course.'' 

''And, did you try the food?''

''Yeah. It tastes all the same, Philip. Stop trying to win this-''

Philip disagreed. ''You lived all your life in Tivoli, your taste-buds must be corrupted.''

Lukas had to hold his laugh. Are they really having a debate about food? Philip took Lukas's silence for defeat and went back to his book, wanting to be done with this as fast as possible. He has plans for the weekend and reading this boring book wasn't a part of them.

It was back to a comfortable silence in the car as Lukas drove. Soft radio was playing in the background to keep him entertain while he drove and Philip ignored him. Lukas still hasn't read that book but hopes Philip will give him a resume once he's finished. He's too lazy to read books. 

They stopped at some gas station an hour from the restaurent, the truck being almost empty. Lukas was lucky his dad gave him money for the gas because his savings wouldn't have sufficed. 

Lukas bought them some candy bars and drinks, too hungry to wait until lunch. It wasn't much but, what do you expect from a gas station? They sat on the truck's hood and ate their snacks. Philip pulled out his phone to check if he had any missed texts and he had. A few were from Even, asking why he wasn't in school to which Philip replied that he was with Lukas - no need to hide from Even. And the last one was from a worried and apologetic Helen. This is new.

[From: Helen]

Sorry I wasn't there to say bye this morning. I had to go to work early. Have a good time with Lukas! Be stay safe and call if anything happen. And...please, call when you get to Florida. 

''What is it?'' Lukas asked, seeing the change of facial expression on Philip's face as he read the text. 

''It's just Helen. She's...worried?'' he explained with a frown.

''You sound surprised,''Lukas said with his mouth full of half chewed chocolate , earning a grimaced from Philip. Manners, Lukas... This is gross.

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