Chapter ten: Unplanned situations

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  Group chats are confusing and exhausting. 

Making plans with your friends becomes a lot more difficult because while you're explaining the plan, some are making jokes or talking about something else and don't see what you're saying. The awkwardness when someone - always Magnus, let's be real - says something weird or stupid and kills the whole conversation. It happened one too many times. There's the group roasts that never ends well, the exhaustion when two people are chatting back and forth and you just want to sleep and they just don't stop, the shady people who make another group chat and don't invite that one person, the tension when shit is getting real between others and you just sit back and watch it all go down.

Isak just can't keep up. Magnus, Jonas and Mahdi recently added him into their group chat and since then, life has been a lot more hectic. 


Jonas: Since when Vilde does parties? I mean, aren't her parents always at home?

Magnus: No. They're away for the weekend ;) 

Mahdi: What does that wink means?

Magnus: Vilde and I will have sex this weekend.

Jonas: Hahaha

Mahdi: Sorry to crush your hopes but...Vilde's not into you.

Magnus: Shut up, guys. You just can't see the connection.

Mahdi: Connection? What connection? There's nothing between you two, bro!

Jonas: Remember that one time she rejected your offer for sex in front of everyone? It was fucking hilarious. 

Magnus: She was just shy...

Magnus: Why don't you all go bother Isak? He hid in the bathroom at Emma's party, he needs help in the ladies department. We should help him get a girl this weekend!

Isak: I don't need help in the 'ladies department'...

Magnus: Why did you stay alone in that bathroom, then?

Isak: I was not.

Isak: Alone, I mean.

Magnus: Oh my god! Tell me more!!

Mahdi: Yeah, we want to know!

Isak: Nothing happened. We went out for a smoke.

Magnus: Oh. See, I told you. You need to get laid!

Jonas: Isak's not the only one who needs to get laid, uh Mag?

Magnus: I don't know what you're talking about. I always get some at parties...

Jonas: Oh yeah? Last night you told me you were still a virgin. 

Mahdi: Crunchy topics here ^^

Magnus: Fuck off, Mahdi...

Jonas: Don't be too upset, Mag, Mahdi's virgin too. He just doesn't want people to know.

Jonas: Oh, sorry? You didn't want me to tell...

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