Chapter twenty-three: An emotional weekend

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  Waking up to a too early call from Magnus sure made Isak groan in annoyance. He picked up his phone and made sure to voice his complain to his friend. What the fuck, Magnus? Isak thought when he saw his name flashing on the small screen. Thinking it was something important, Isak answered, half awake, and listened to Magnus's confused voice asking if they really needed sleeping bags... 

After that, Isak wasn't able to go back to sleep so he played dumb games on his phones until Even texted him. His game completely forgotten when he saw the boy's name pop up on his screen. Isak was surprised to receive a text from his boyfriend at eight o'clock. Who texts so early in the morning on a Saturday? Just, no

[From: Even]

My parents won't be back till tomorrow, we'll have the house to ourselves ;D p.s. I just got some more weed last night.

Isak knew this was gonna happen one day or another. The day he forgot he agreed to hang out with his friends or boyfriend and now he's stuck having to chose, knowing it will disappoint them both if he cancels their plans. 

A sad pout on his lip, he texted even back. 

[To: Even]

As tempting as your offer is...I can't :( I'm going on a camping trip with the guys. Jonas will need support from his friends after what happened yesterday, I can't ditch him. 

[From: Even]

Camping? Can I come. I LOVE camping. My parents and I used to go every weekends when I was a kid. That where I became a man, you know?  

Isak didn't know what to think of Even's answer. If Even joins them, he's have to introduce him to everyone and Isak doesn't know if he's ready for that yet. He still struggles holding Even's hand at school... Is he ready for a camping trip? 

Before he could type in any answer, Even beat him.

[From: Even]

Do you not want me to come? I understand if you want to spend the weekend with your friend, Isak. We're not siameses, we don't have to spend every hours, every minutes and ever seconds together.  Although I wouldn't mind being stuck with you forever <3 

[To: Even]

No, no! That's not it. I'd love to spend the weekend with you and the guys. It's just...I don't know. It makes me anxious. I'm fine with the guys knowing that I'm gay but, Vilde has a big mouth...and I'm not ready to fully come out yet. 

[From: Even]

You know you don't have to tell them about us, right? I can come as a friend! I'd prefer to be introduced as your boyfriend but I'm fine with that too. As long as we share a tent ;)

A light blush coated Isak's cheeks. The winky face at the end of Even's text made room for suggestive content and Isak wasn't sure what it meant. Bullshit, he had an idea what Even meant but just wouldn't admit it. 

[To: Even]

Alright. Do you have one? A tent, I mean. Because I don't. I was planning to share with Jonas but I doubt Jonas will want to share with you and I. Three in a single tent is too much. 

[From: Even]

Yes, baby. My dad has one, I can bring it. I have sleeping bags and shit too, you don't need to bring anything. Just your beautiful self <3

Isak blushed. He'll never get used to someone calling him beautiful. It's so new and...weird. Isak doesn't think he's ugly, he's just very...average? With his blonde hair, weird teeth and scrawny body, he has nothing to envy. 

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