Chapter twenty-nine: It's too late to appologize

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[To: Lukas]

I'm still grounded. Can't come .

[From: Lukas] 

You sneak out all the time, come on. My dad's not home.

[From: Lukas]

And I'm feeling much better today...much much better.

[To: Lukas]

You'll feel much better tomorrow too. I can come during lunch.

[From: Lukas]

I'm going back to school tomorrow...

[To: Lukas]

Then we'll see each other at school. We can skip lunch and...make out. 

[From: Lukas]

No. Wanna see you now. 

This time, Lukas had attached a picture with his text and Philip almost choke on his saliva. Who sends dirty pics without warning? What the hell Lukas?! He swallowed thickly and typed a quick reply. 

[To: Lukas]

Be there in twenty!

That's all it took for Philip to slip on his shoes and sneak out. Well, 'sneak out'. No one was home; Isak was at Even's, Helen at work and Gabe was working on his boat outside. It's not like anyone would see him leave the house. 

It was windy outside and chilly but, the sun was out compared to the past two days. The walk to Lukas's was long, wind blew in his face as he passed by the shortcut Lukas showed him and the brunette grimaced at the feeling of cold air on his face. Philip knew he should've taken his bike but, it was in the back of the house and Gabe was there, he didn't want to risk getting caught. 

When Philip arrived at Lukas's house, no one answered the door. He pressed the doorbell once, twice and a third time and he was about to turn around and go home when his phone vibrated in his pocket. 

[From: Lukas]

Come to the track. 

The track? Philip was confused but he still went. Why was Lukas asking him to come to the track behind his house? Didn't he say he wasn't allowed to ride again until a month or something? 

Philip went down Lukas's porch and walked to the back of his house, following the path of dirt to the motocross training track. 

''Lukas?'' Philip called when, not seeing him on the field. He said to meet him there but...where is he? He opened his mouth to call for the blonde again but someone grabbed him from behind and the familiar scent betrayed his identity. 

Turning around, Philip saw Lukas grin at him. It was weird to see Lukas without his training gear on the track, they never comes here unless Lukas wants to show Philip some tricks or to film. ''What took you so long? I've been waiting here for an hour almost.'' 

''I walked here, sorry my legs can't move faster,'' Philip said with sarcasm. ''What are we doing here?'' the brunette asked, crossing his arms, waiting. 

''I'm not allowed on my bike until a few weeks, so...we better find another use for my training track,'' said Lukas suggestively.

Philip rolled his eyes and closed the space between them and locked their lips together. ''That's lame. You could've just said you wanted to make out, you know.''  

Lukas opened his mouth to say he did say he wanted to make out in his texts but, Philip was pulling him by the hem of his tee shirt until their chest touched and kissed Lukas again and everything else was forgotten. The things this boy does to him...

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