Chapter twenty-four: The scare of my life

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  Accidents aren't rare in the motocross world. It's almost too easy to get injured. You can slip, fall or trip on the tracks. You can loose control of the bike. Another rider can play dirty and be responsible of the fall. There is also collisions. Some falls can be fatal but most of the time, it's a broken collar bone, sprained wrist, AC joint sprain, ACL rupture, broken ankle. Concussions can also be combined to those. 

All those are reasons why there is a full team of paramedics ready to intervene on the side of the tracks. They lost no time rushing over and checking on Lukas's lifeless looking body. A neck brace was put around his neck before someone removed the blonde's helmet while another set of people arrived with a stretcher. An ambulance was ready for him as the paramedics hoisted him on a stretcher, loosing no time. 

Philip knew he wouldn't have time to get to Lukas before the ambulance would speed off but that didn't stop him from going down the bleachers and looking for the paramedic team who took care of Lukas, asking for information about the boy. 

''Sorry, sir but this information is confidential,'' one of the paramedic said, refusing to give any information. For all she know, Philip could be a guy from press or some other media. They can't take chances.

Philip wasn't happy with her answer and insisted. ''I know Lukas, we came here together. I need to know if he-'' A tipsy man bumped into him, stopping Philip mid sentence when lukewarm beer was spilled on his tee shirt and on his camera. The stolen camera he'll have to return when he comes back to Tivoli. Shit. ''Hey! Look where you're fucking going! This camera cost more than your rent,'' Philip yelled at the rude guy who walked away as if nothing happened. What the fuck? He just ruined Philip's camera. He can't just go like that. 

The paramedic woman took advantage of the guy bumping into Philip to leave. Philip groaned in frustration. How will he explain that to Helen? He'll think about that later, now, he needs to find Lukas. 

The keys to Bo's truck were in Lukas's bag and Philip couldn't have access to it so he was forced to take a cab to the hospital, not feeling like getting lost by walking. And, a cab will get him there faster than by foot. 

After what seemed like an eternal ride in the stinky cab, Philip arrived at the hospital. He went straight for the reception and asked for Lukas but the receptionist lady refused to say anything - just like the paramedic. She said family only was allowed to get any news and Philip tried to explain that Lukas only have a father and that he was miles away, in New York. She ignored the information and repeated that only family was allowed to get news on Lukas Waldenbeck's situation. 

''Fucking bitch,'' Philip grumbled under his breath. 

She heard him and narrowed her eyes at the teenager. ''I get that you're worried about your friend but, this is the law, sir.'' 

Philip rolled his eyes and left. He needs to figure a way to get informations. He could call Bo, have him come down to Florida but, that'd take hours before he'd get here. Philip spotted at doctor walking by and always ran to him, asking about Lukas. The man asked if he was a member of the family and, this time, Philip thought about his answer. 

''I'm his brother. Can I see him, now?''

''No.'' Philip frowned and was about to protest and yell at the man but the doctor spoke first. ''Mr Waldenbeck is still in the ER at the moment. Lucky for him, the fall wasn't too bad. He was unconscious when he arrived here which worried us about some brain damage. Helmets protect your head but it's not bulletproof. Like I said, he is one lucky man, he only has a dislocated AC joint, broken wrist and a minor concussion. He should be getting our of ER in a few minutes, we want to to a scanner for his head when he wakes.'' 

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