Chapter seven: The other me

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  No one expected this. Not even Lukas or Philip. It was all so...sudden.

On Monday, Philip decided to go speak to Lukas. They haven't talked since Saturday and Philip wants to know how things are, if he cleared his head up. Little did he know, the blonde didn't want to be seen with his at school. Like, at all. 

His first try was in the morning, before class started. Philip went to his locker and waited for him. Lukas flashed him a small smile when he saw the brunette but when some dark skinned girl - Rose, he suppose - showed up, Lukas's behavior changed. He wasn't the nice boy who took him for a ride on his motocross or kissed him at his dad's cabin. No. This Lukas was...different.

''Lukas, hey-''

''Get away from me!'' The girl chuckled and took Lukas's hand before walking away together. ''I swear, he's obsessed with me,'' he told Rose. 

Well, this looks like Lukas doesn't want to be seen with him. It'S okay. Philip understands, no one ever wants to be seen with him. Except Even who was only kind and accepting toward him since he started at Red Hook. 

Philip rolled his eyes at Lukas's behavior and decided to try again later. Maybe if Lukas's alone, he won't put an act.

Lunch came and Philip saw Lukas standing from his table and leaving the lunch room. It was the perfect time. He followed him out of the cafeteria and to the lockers. 


Philip didn't have time to put a complete sentence that the motocross rider spun on his heels and cut him off. ''Are you fucking deaf? Stop stalking me!'' Lukas yelled at him, his body moving before his brain could react and that's only after it happened that he realized what he'd done.

Lukas's eyes widen in shock. Fuck, he hit Philip, again. He pushed him so hard that he fell on the floor. Panicked, Lukas bent down to help him but remembered they were at school and that people must be watching the scene so he punched Philip as if it was the most logical thing to do.

After that, it was all a blur for Lukas. He was so freaked out. Philip was there, laying on the floor with blood slipping from his nose. Did he knock him out? He hopes not because if Philip gets a concussion because of him he'll never forgive himself-

''Waldenbeck, in my office, now,'' the principal said, arriving on the scene after a teacher saw the 'fight'.

He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Lukas stood from the floor and followed the man to his office, passing trough the mass of students that had gathered around the scene in the hallway. 

Philip sat up and winced, his jaw throbbing from the hit. He felt something wet on his face and used his sleeve to wipe it, groaning when seeing it was blood. Ugh, great, it's stained now... at least the fabric is dark? A teacher helped him up and cleared the hallway, making everyone go to class as the bell had just rang. 

Sitting on the small bed in the nurse's office, a handful of tissues under his bleeding nose, Philip's mind drifted to Lukas. What's going to happen to him? Will there be consequences?

As if she read his mind, the nurse answered his question. ''Mr Waldenbeck is in the office, he should be suspended.''

''Suspended?'' Philip repeated, shocked by his punishment. ''Lukas doesn't have to be suspended-'' 

''That's the procedure, Mr Shea. He had a violent behavior on the school's ground, that's against the school's rules,'' the woman explained.

''That's a little intense.'' 

She shrugged and started filling a paper so Philip could leave after being checked. Gabe had to come get him from school after he was out of the nurse's office. He told her he could walk home but she refused, claiming she had to call his parents to which Philip groaned because he didn't want Gabe or Helen to know about what happened with Lukas. 

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