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  Philip was only ten the first time it happened. Drugs and addictions shouldn't be something a twelve years old know. 

At this age, he should worry about how many friends he's gonna invite to his birthday party, not how much meds and other shits his mother swallowed.

The first thing Philip saw when he came back from school that Wednesday afternoon was his mother laying on the kitchen floor. Her eyes were closed and a part of her face was covered with her long, brown hair. 

Her yellow dress looked wrinkly and a little dirty. The ashtray on the kitchen table was full which means Rick, his mother's boyfriend, passed by that day. Maybe he's the one who put her in this state? 

The twelve years old boy dropped to his knees at the sight in front of him, not caring that his backpack had spilled on the tiled floor when it slipped from his shoulder.

A worried look on his face, Philip shook his mother's shoulder. ''Mom?'' he said, trying to wake her up. ''Mom?'' he said again, shaking her a little rougher but she still wasn't moving. ''Isak!'' he called. The younger boy was still outside, probably playing with his trucks in the sand like he does everyday after school. ''Isak, call 911, mom's not good...'''

The second time, Philip was fourteen.

This time, she was in their backyard and, fuck, Philip was scared. 

She had gone dancing with her boyfriend in a club and Philip was babysitting Isak for the night. By Sunday morning, she still wasn't home which had Philip a little worried. She always comes home after a night out dancing. 

After breakfast, he went outside to put the trash away and that's when he saw her. She was unconscious and by the stairs which made him question if she fell down the stairs when coming home last night or just collapsed there. If she knocked her head, she could have serious brain damage and despite not being the best mother, he doesn't want anything to happen to her.

He loves her.

He didn't say anything to Isak this time either because a twelve years old should not know about his mother's drug addiction. Isak's innocence shouldn't be broken so young. Philip doesn't want his little brother to go trough the same things as him.

They sent her to rehab and the two boys had to be placed and moved in with a foster family. 

It was difficult for Philip, more than Isak. 

For Isak, this foster family was paradise. He had three boys around his age to play with - three new brothers - while Philip was the only one his age and it sucked. The woman who fostered them was really nice but she wasn't him mom, you know. 

Philip's life became hell. People would point at him in school because he was in a foster home. As if he chose to live with them... He'd rather live with his drug addict mom than with strangers who act like they've raised him and known him all his life.

They're not his biological parents. 

Anne is his mother and will always be. No one can change that. 

They didn't stay long in that family. By the time Isak's thirteenth birthday arrived, they were moving back with their mom.

And the third time, he was seventeen.

A/N I didn't know who to chose between Philkas and I did both. Yes, yes! These boys don't look alike but, Philip and Isak both have 'ill' mothers so why not making them brothers? I hope you'll like this story despite not being Lashton, for once, lol. 

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