Chapter twenty: You're the one that I want

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Isak didn't think. 

When Helen said Even was at the door, all he wanted was to leave Jonas's house and go home. Go to Even. As much as he's mad at him and how confused he is about their relationship, his attraction for the older boy is stronger.

So he did. Isak went home.

Except, he forgot one thing, one small detail: busses are long over and he doesn't have a car/drives. He could've called Helen to pick him up but Even's there, waiting for him - at least he hopes so. If not, he would have ran trough the dark streets for nothing.

The sky was pitch black when Isak skipped the stairs of the porch, making Helen wonder if some earthquake was happening outside. He opened the door, struggling a little due to the high level of anxiety and excitement in his body. Helen was sitting at the kitchen table, putting away the folders she brought from work. 

''Hey,'' she greeted him, looking up, watching Isak close the door behind him. ''I was starting to think you changed your mind.'' Helen frowned, seeing how loudly the blonde boy was breathing. ''Did you...did you run here, Isak?'' 

''Erm, yeah?'' he replied, trying to catch his breath. He pulled at the strap of his backpack that was about to fall on his shoulder. 

''You should've called me, I would've come to get you. I don't like when you walk in the streets alone so late.''

Isak wanted to tell her he's not twelve anymore but all he could think about was Even. Even who's waiting for hi-  ''I'll remember for next time, Helen,'' he said, flashing her a small smile. ''Where's Even?'' Isak asked, his voice a little urgent.

''In your room. I hope it's okay, I didn't know-''

''No, no. It's fine,'' he assured her. ''I'll go now, I don't want to make him wait any longer.'' 

Even was sitting on Isak's bed - Helen must've told him which one was his -, waiting for the younger boy to arrive, anxiously moving his leg up and down out of nervousness. He'd been waiting for almost an hour and most would've left by this time but not Even. He really really wanted to see Isak. 

Isak put his bag down by the door and took off his jacket in silence under Even's watchful eyes. He had to calm the fire inside him when he saw Even sitting on his bed, reminding himself that he can't exactly jump in his arms and kiss him yet. 

Like always, Even looked perfect. His hair were perfectly styled and his clothes were layered and matched perfectly. 

Isak wanted to pinch himself because, Fuck, he's really there

Even's voice was a little too cheerful for the situation when he said his infamous 'holla' and Isak was quick to tell him without using words. All he had to do was to not return the words, that's when Even knew how upset the boy was. He looked down and bite down on his lip. 

When he was with the boys, Isak knew exactly what he wanted to tell Even. He knew where he wanted this conversation to go but now that Even's there, Isak seems to have lost his words and doesn't know how to function. He's so fucking pathetic, standing in the middle of the doorway in silence, too shocked by the older boy's presence to move or speak. 

''Do you want to sit?'' Even asked, breaking the silence. ''You said you wanted to talk.'' 

Talk. Yes! 

Isak slowly moved his legs to his bed, sitting by his pillows, as far possible from Even. He's not repulsive, Isak just wants to eliminate any distraction possible - like the goosebumps he gets every time Even's touches him or just his fucking scent. God, he smells so, so good.

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