Chapter twenty-five: The aftermath

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  The ride back to civilisation was though. Even was sitting in the backseat, handcuffs on his wrists while Isak sat up front with Helen. The older boy was still agitated in the back and pleading Helen to take off the handcuffs but Helen didn't respond. She kept driving and ignored him. Even tried to speak to Isak but, just like his foster mother, he stayed silent, his forehead resting against the cool glass of the window.  

Helen called Tony to get Even's parents's number, informing them of the incident. 

The hospital took charge of the manic teenage boy. The nurse who approached them seemed to know Even because at the sight of her, Even tried to get away but Helen was quick to grad him, building him in place. 

A doctor came and sedated him. 

Isak had to look away. 

The hospital called Even's parents, informing them of their son's skid. It was almost three in the morning but they still rushed to the hospital, not caring of their physical appearance. Their unique son was at the hospital, he needed them. 

No words were exchanged on the ride home. Isak was tired and emotionally drained while Helen simply didn't know what to say. That's false. There is so many questions burning on the tip of her tongue but it just doesn't feel right to ask them now. 

Maybe tomorrow, Helen told herself.

Isak went straight to bed when they got home. Gabe was sitting in the living room, waiting for them. He tried to talk to Isak, asking if they found Even but the boy ignored him. He didn't feel like answering questions right now. The night was eventful and Isak just want to sleep. 

''Let him rest. The night was...eventful,'' said Helen, taking off her uniform jacket and hanging in on the back of the chair. 

Gabe raised an eyebrow at his wife. ''I thought you went looking for a teenager lost himself in the woods?'' 

''That's what I thought too...'' 


  The scan proved no major damage was made to Lukas's brain so they were free to leave on Monday morning. Bo made it to Florida during the night, taking a plane from NY to Fl since his truck was in Florida. Useful, uh? 

Despite Lukas almost begging him to stay, Philip couldn't stay by his side. He had to get back to Tivoli. He went back to the hotel on Sunday morning and packed his stuff, about to take a plane back to New York. It was expensive but that's the only way he'd get back in time. 

And, it's not like he has a car - or a licence -, Bo will need his truck to brink his son home on Monday. 

When he gets back from Florida, the first thing Philip does is text Even. He needs to tell him all about his crazy weekend. About Lukas. About the race. About...everything. 

[To: Even]

Hey. I'm back. The trip went shit. Can we talk? I could use a friend right now...

He waited a few minutes, hoping to see a little bubble pop on the side but nothing. Philip sighed and went to his room to unpack. He turned on the light, only to hear a groan coming from his little brother's bed.

''Can you turn off the light, please,'' asked a dead sounding Isak.

Philip frowned, turning his head to look at him. He looked like shit. The blanket was covering most of him but Philip could see a glimpse of his face. His hair were hidden under a red hoodie, a mess of blonde curls peaking at the front and his eyes were puffy and red.

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