Chapter fifteen: It's complicated

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  The first thing Philip noticed was the stinging pain in his arm. He scrunched his face in discomfort, slowly peering his eyes open. The bright neon of the hospital room had him blinking a couple times until he could see properly. He looked down and stared at the IV planted in his arm. Must be where the pain came from. 

Isak was sitting in a chair, smiling and texting someone on his phone despite being prohibited; something to do with their fancy medical equipment. The boy was very into his conversation because it took him a few seconds to see his big brother was awake. Despite being in a hospital bed, Philip couldn't help but wonder who is making Isak smile like that but, right now isn't the moment to ask.

 Despite being in a hospital bed, Philip couldn't help but wonder who is making Isak smile like that but, right now isn't the moment to ask

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''You fainted, again.'' Isak scooted his chair closer to the bed as Philip sat up straighter in the restricting hospital bed. ''Helen and Gabe are worried. I'm worried.'' 

''It's nothing to wo-''

''Stop saying that,'' Isak scolded, putting his phone on his lap, ignoring the buzzing of a new incoming text. ''You fainted two times in less than three days; it's not okay. I know you're saying you're fine so I don't worry about you but, I'm not a kid anymore, stop treating me like one. I get it if you don't want to tell me what's going on but please, don't keep everything in. Look where it got you.'' 

Worrying his little brother was the last thing Philip wanted. But it happened and Philip hates himself for that. 

Philip turned away from Isak, giving him the message that he didn't want to talk to him. Sighing, Isak stood, the uncomfortable plastic chair scrapping on the floor. ''I'll get the nurse and tell them you woke up.'' 

When Gabe arrived with Philip at the nearest hospital, he had been declined to see him, saying he wasn't family. He argued with the doctors that Philip was fostering with him and his wife and technically was their son but they weren't having it. They said the only family members registered were Anne Shea and Isak Shea. 

So he called Helen and told her to get down to the hospital and to bring Isak with her. He wasn't done fighting for his rights, Philip is under his care and Helen is on her way with the papers to prove it. They could call they social services but that would be a hassle and they'd question Gabe and Helen's parental abilities because it's not normal for a seventeen years old teenager to faint like that. 

Isak was able to see Philip as soon as he arrived but because he was minor, the doctor couldn't inform him on Philip's situation which angered Helen. She was so pissed at the hospital that Gabe had to calm her down, saying that getting mad at them wouldn't solve the problem. So they sent Isak with Philip while the adults tried to solve this unfortunate problem in a civilized and respectful way.

Soon after Isak left the hospital room, a nurse walked in, flashing a kind smile at Philip but the latter didn't see, his face still turned toward the window. ''Good evening, Mr Shea. How are you feeling?'' She checked his IV and went to the other side of the bed so she could see his face. ''I know you probably doesn't want to be here right now but your...father?'' she hesitated, unsure what to call Gabe yet, ''did the right thing by bringing you here.'' 

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