Chapter one: Starting on a bad foot

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''I got beds for you,'' Helen told the two boys sitting in the backseat. Philip was staring at the window, looking outside as the care moved. ''I hope you don't mind sharing a room though, the house isn't that big,'' she added, glancing at them trough the rear-view. 

Isak gave her a small smile. ''We don't,'' he replied. He nudged his brother's side. ''Right, Philip?''

The brunette teenager stayed silent, ignoring them both. 

After Anne's third trip to the hospital due to an overdose, the social worker decided it was best for Philip and Isak to be in foster home. The woman refused to go in rehab, claiming she could get better on her own but they didn't believe her and took the matter into their own hands and placed the two boys.

The case went to court and the judge put a restricting order: Anne cannot contact her sons in any ways. No phone calls, no visits. Nothing. If she were to break the rules, she could get arrested.

Philip and Isak reacted differently when told about the restricting order.

Isak isn't close to his mother. He doesn't like that she takes drugs and waste their money into pills and stuff. If she wasn't so addicted to her damn pills, maybe they wouldn't have to live in this old house with little to no furniture.

As for Philip, he did not take it very well. He went as far as lying to the judge about his mother just so he wouldn't have to leave her but the judge saw trough him and didn't believe him. They knew he was trying to protect her but Anne's addiction isn't ideal for kids. 

Helen reminded herself to be patient with them. They're teenagers, they need time. Isak had been easy to get words out of, Philip, though, was another story...

She kept driving, deciding to not saying anything for the rest of the ride. 

Twenty minutes later, Helen pulled up in the driveway of she and Gabe's house. She turned off the engine and they all got out.

''Welcome home, boys,'' Helen said. 

Philip got out of the car first, grabbing his bag with his personal belongings and sliding on his shoulder. He scrunched his nose when he saw where they were. It was very different from their old place. It was surrounded by trees and patches of land, a big change from the city scenery the two boys are used to. There was a small lake by the house and a barn beside the house in the backyard. 

The brunette is used to the city life. 

''Is there internet connection here?'' Philip asked, breaking the silence as Isak climbed out of the car. 

Helen laughed and nodded. ''Surprisingly, yes, Philip,'' she replied. ''I need it for my job.'' 

The word exchange stopped there and what Helen thought was a step forward ended with two stepped back. Just great.

She led the two boys inside her house, giving them a little visit. It wasn't super big. The kitchen was the first thing you see when you walk in. The latter led to a small hallway where a bedroom, bathroom and living room were. In that same hallway was a staircase leading to Helen and Gabe's bedroom and an office.

''It's a lovely place you have, Mrs Torrance.''

Philip snickered in the back. Isak's such an ass kisser.

She smiled at Isak. ''You can call me Helen. Mrs Torrance is my mother, I'm Helen...or Officer Torrance but not off work hours,'' she said, trying to be funny but failed miserably. Way to go, Helen!

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