Chapter 1

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"Mom," I said.

"Yeah," replied Lorelai.

"I'm pregnant."

It had been 2 weeks since the wedding, since telling mom.  I still haven't told him.  He has no idea and I'm not sure I want him to know.  I know he has the right to know, but I'm so scared.  How will he react?  What about Odette?  What about his family?  His grandfather and mother were so set against him marrying me.  His grandfather had passed away 2 years ago.  Shira was too busy drinking and pampering herself at a spa to notice much of anything as of late.  Mitchum seemed to grow to like me.  After all, I am the only one who had the audacity to talk back to him, call him out when Logan was in the hospital after the Life and Death Brigade parachuting accident.  Maybe it was a glimmer of respect, maybe it was all an act.  I do know he thinks I'm not a good business match.  I'm not a French heiress.  But I AM a Gilmore!

As I scroll through the morning's news on my phone, a headline catches my eye: Huntzberger heir calls off engagement.  I immediately click on the link to the article.  I quickly scan the page to discover that Mitchum is in the ICU after a massive heart attack.  Logan is moving back to New York City to take over for his dad.  My heart skips a beat and I feel the butterflies in my stomach.  Could this really be happening?  Just when I finally caught my breath, my phone stars ringing.  It was Logan.  How did he know I had just read the news?

"Hello," I said.

"Hey, Ace!  I'm sure you've heard the news by now?" He replied.

"I did.  I'm so sorry to hear about your engagement....and your father," I replied.

Logan let out a little chuckle.  "Mitchum will be in the hospital for a few more days and has been ordered to rest for quite some time.  He won't be working for 5-6 months while he recovers.  Although, I think him resting might actually kill him.  As for the engagement, it had run its course.  Neither of us could stand it anymore.  I couldn't drag her through this sham of a relationship.  She could sense there was never going to be more than a friendship between us, no matter how much she tried.  She's.......she's........not you....." His voice trailed off.

I was stunned.  How do I respond?  This is Logan, the love of my life, father of the tiny child growing inside of me.  He's been my greatest source of joy and the greatest pain I've ever felt was when I chose to say good-bye six weeks ago.  Logan was the greatest adventure of my life.  Wait.  He IS the greatest adventure of my life!

"Rory? Are you ok?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm here, Logan.  I just don't know how to respond.  Our last night together was so perfect!  The goodbye was heartbreaking.  I didn't want to leave you the next morning.  I wanted to keep you with me forever!  So, where does this leave you?  Or us?"

"I want to see you, Ace!  I need to see you.  You're all I can think about!" He replied.  I could sense the desperation and sincerity in his voice.

I took a deep breath.  "Ok," I agreed.  "When and where?"

"Is tomorrow too soon?  I'll send a car to bring you to my apartment in the city," he said.

Without thinking, I replied, "Not today?"

"Today it is!" I could hear the excitement in his voice.  "I'll send the car right away.  Bye, Ace!"

"Bye, Logan," I said as I hung up the phone.

What had I just done?  Today?!  Am I crazy?  Calm down, Rory, and get yourself together.  I need to focus but I feel so giddy like I did all those years ago when we first started dating.  A car will be here shortly to bring me to Logan.

I quickly pack a few items in an overnight bag.  I pick up my phone and call my mom.  It goes to her voicemail.  Rather than leave a message, I scribble a note and leave it on the table for her.  I hear a car pull up.  I look outside and there's a man waiting for me with the door open.  I had him my bag and get in.  Ready or not, here I come!  Maybe it should be ready or not, here WE come.....

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now