Chapter 15.5

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I had seriously contemplated postponing our trip to Hamburg, but Rory convinced me to wait a while longer.  She didn't want to be the cause of the deferment, and I didn't want to push her to do anything she wasn't ready for after her episode Saturday night.  She'd seemed to be feeling alright yesterday, but today, we were supposed to depart for Hamburg.

"Are you sure you're up for this, Ace?  We can postpone it for a couple of weeks," I asked one last time as we put our last minute items into our suitcases.

"I want to go, Logan.  I'm feeling great and as long as we keep track of my eating, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't go!  I'm actually looking forward to this trip," she replied.

"I am looking forward to this too, but I want to make sure you're ok for this!  We could go away together somewhere around here instead," I suggested.

"No, we are going to Hamburg and that's my final answer," I stated.

"If you insist," I replied.  I couldn't wait to go back to Hamburg with Rory.  They city held so many memories for us, and being able to make more was just the cherry on top.  We didn't have a lot of time during our initial reunion, but we'd made the most of it.  I still couldn't believe we had found our way back to one another in the end.  Granted, I had a bit of help, but I knew it had been written in the stars for us from the beginning.

"Car's here," I said after receiving the text from the car service.  We grabbed our things and headed to the car.  The driver took our bags, put them in the trunk, and we were off to the airport.  I could hardly believe that Rory was finally my wife, and we were about to embark on our honeymoon.  I was happy, and I hadn't been that way in a very long time.  Every time Rory left my flat in London, I wanted to beg her to stay and forget the stupid Vegas agreement.

We pulled up to a private hangar, and realized that Colin and my dad had conspired together in this honeymoon plan.  My dad must really be on board with this if he worked with Colin.  I bet that completely shocked him.  I wonder what Finn's reaction was when he told him about working with the Dark Lord.  I chuckled thinking about this and made a mental note to ask them about it.

The McCraes spared no expense with this jet.  It had the makings of a modern-day apartment complete with a fireplace and bedroom.  I could see the amazement on Rory's face, and she hadn't seen the whole thing yet.  I led her to the bedroom door.  I could see she was still in shock as it opened.

"I have never imagined anything this lavish for flying, Logan," she said in awe.

"Well, this is a special occasion, Ace!  It's not every day we get to go on our honeymoon," I replied and kissed her.

The pilot prepared us for take-off, and we were on our way to Hamburg.  The flight wouldn't be so bad with Colin's jet and plenty of work to keep us both occupied.  I figured it was better to get some done now, and it appeared Rory had the same in mind as she pulled our her laptop to work on her book.

I was far too engrossed in my work because the next thing I knew, there was someone bringing us our in-flight meal.  I guess Colin made sure there was a chef included on this flight.  After I ate, I went back to finishing up a few emails for work.  After about 45 minutes, I noticed Rory was comfortably reading on the couch.  I realized that I'd hardly spent any of this flight with my beautiful bride.  I slid next to her and put my arm around her.  God, I loved being near this woman!  How did it really take me so long to fight for her? I thought.

"This jet is so lavish.  I can't believe your dad went to the trouble to get this for us," Rory said.

"I don't think it was just my dad.  I have a feeling Colin may have had something to do with it," I replied.

"Why do you say that?"

"This is Colin's jet, Ace.  I've flown in it once or twice before," I informed her.

"That makes more sense than Mitchum, but it does seem they were in cahoots," she said connecting the dots.

"The guys never cease to amaze me, and they love you more than you know.  They would go to the ends of the earth for you.  They were extremely disappointed you didn't come to breakfast with us that morning."

"I knew they cared, but I had no idea just how much.  I love them very much, too."

We heard the pilot's voice come over the intercom telling us we were beginning our final descent into Hamburg.  There was about 20 minutes left until we landed.  I was starting to feel the excitement building, and knew this honeymoon was going to be great!

"Are there any snacks around?  The baby needs some food," she said.  "I've decided to embrace the whole eating for two thing."

"Oh, the baby is hungry?" I laughed.  "I did make some reservations at the Jahreszeiten Grill at the hotel.  I know it's kind of late, but I figured we'd want to eat when we got there."

"I'll just have some snacks now.  Snacks are tacos," she responded and smiled.

"I don't think they'll have any tacos, but I'm sure there's something we can get you," I said, waving someone over.  I said something to the flight attendant, who walked back to the small storage area.  She returned a few moments later with some coffee and pop tarts.

"Did you have the place stocked with things just for me?"

"Of course, I had things stocked for you!  We don't want a repeat of Saturday night, do we?" I replied.

"You really didn't have to do that," she paused for a moment.  "Decaf?" she said, wrinkling her nose at the offering.

"Did you forget we travelled across a few time zones?  It's night time here.  I don't want to keep you up all night with the caffeine," I said, smiling.

"You're right, as usual, Logan.  Anyway, I didn't bring my tap shoes or mat with me."

"Tap shoes?" I asked, obviously my curiosity was piqued.

"I told you quite a while ago that I took up tap dancing to help relieve my stress and shut off my brain.  I used it a lot when I couldn't sleep.  Don't worry, You'll never get it on video.  My mom tried."

"I know I would have remembered that!" I said, laughing and smiling.  "On a different note, it's about a 20 minute ride from the airport to our hotel.  I'll have them bring our bags up and we'll go straight for our late dinner.  Is that ok?"

"Sounds like a plan, Huntzberger," she replied and smiled.

Rory happily ate the pop tarts and reluctantly drank the coffee, and thankfully, we weren't far from landing.  Once we landed, we took the car to the hotel.  Dad had made reservations at Fairmont Vier Jahreszeiten.  It was nestled along Inner Alster Lake in Hamburg and looked palatial.  I'm used to staying in very nice hotels, but this was a step above where I normally stay.

We were escorted inside, and I checked us in, instructing them to bring our bags to our room.  We were promptly led to the restaurant where a table had been reserved.  It was near closing time, so the place was mostly empty.  We were finally back in Hamburg!

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