Chapter 2.5

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I watched as the car pulled up to my building.  I recognized the car from the service I'd ordered.  The car stopped.  I nodded to the driver as I'd given instructions for me to let Rory out.  I wanted to be the first person she saw when she got here.  I stood for a moment, gathering my courage to open the door and see the love of my life.  I took a deep breath, opened the door, and reached my hand in the back.  One thing I can say for my family is they did teach me the proper manners of a gentleman.  I felt a hand touch mine.  The sparks shot through my hand, up my arm, and through the rest of my body.  Without seeing her, I knew Ace had touched me.  There was no denying the electricity between us.

The driver handed me her bag.  I put my hand on the small of her back, and led her inside.  We take the elevator to my apartment.  I close the door behind us, and set her bag down.  I take her hands in mine, drawing her closer to me.  I stop and gaze into her piercing blue eyes.  They seemed to stare back into my soul.  I put my hands on either side of her face, draw her lips to mine, and kiss her gently.  I pull back after only a moment.  I need to keep control of myself.  I can't get swept away.

I take a step back, holding her hands at a slight distance.  It was far enough to get a good look at her, drinking in every detail.  It felt like ages had passed since New Hampshire, but it was less than two months ago.  Something about her had changed, but I couldn't figure out what it was.  It was as if she was glowing, like Honor had when she was pregnant.  Could Rory be pregnant?  Was it mine?  I doubt she'd been with anyone else, but she was seeing that Peter guy, or was it Paul?  But were they still together?  Highly unlikely since she was here with me.  No better time to ask, and I figured direct would be the best approach.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Ace?"

"Why do you ask?" she replied, coyly.

"You can't hide it.  I know.  You have always been beautiful, and now you're glowing," I said, knowingly.

"Huntzberger, you never cease to amaze me!" she said.  I could see relief on her face.  She'd hid her nervousness very well.

"I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd guess you are about 6 weeks along."

"" she said, finding herself at a loss for words, which was very rare for this beauty.

"Do I have to ask?" I replied, grinning.  I knew this had to be a direct result of the most perfect night of my life.  I felt the magic that night, like nothing I'd ever felt before.

"No," she replied.  "It's yours.  Ours."

Ours.  I loved the sound of that.  The two of us created something amazing that was now growing inside her.  I wondered why she didn't tell me sooner.  I know if I were her, I'd be apprehensive as well.  There was my impending wedding, and the Vegas deal.  So, it's not as if we'd really discussed having kids.  I've never really been known to be overly excited about having children of my own, due to my own relationship with my parents and their dynastic plan.  If I had gotten married to Odette, we would have been expected to procreate to ensure the next generation of Huntzbergers.  This would have led to the complete transformation into my father.  With Rory, I knew that wouldn't happen because it's something we both wanted, and not something that was merely the result of expectations.

"I kept having this nagging feeling that something was different.  Something told me to go to you, but I couldn't.  I was deeply entrenched in this dynastic plan.  My God, Rory, I nearly married her!  The clock was ticking down, and then I got a call saying my father was in the hospital after a massive heart attack.  I knew, at that moment, that life was too precious to throw everything I love out the window for some business plan my father had concocted.  I couldn't live my life without you, and now the baby!  I took my father's heart attack as a sign, a sign I needed to be true to myself!  I was so unhappy and found myself going to a dark place.  Through the dark, I had found my life and you are that light, Rory!  I love you!" I said, letting the words flow without a filter.  I felt my control slipping.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now